Adam Likes THAT Song? (#2: Valentine's Day Edition)
Yes, even Adam likes some love songs (emphasis on “some”). When I first heard this song, I didn’t pay attention to the singers. When I found out who it was, I was amazed. The blending is great, and the instrumentation couldn’t be better. Leah really likes this song, so this song is for “my valentine!” With the lyrics, here are Ewan McGreggor and Nicole Kidman.
Story? (Bulletin Article for February 17)
For two hours of the recent Freed-Hardeman University Bible Lectures, Leah and I sat at the feet of brother Brad Harrub. You may have seen some of his writings in the past on the website of Apologetics Press. Brad now lives in Nashville and writes for Focus Press, publisher of THINK magazine (Brad serves as an editor and author for the magazine). He travels all over the country conducting seminars dealing with evidences. In one of his lectures, he mentioned something that I had read before, but he was able to expand upon it. He said that we should not use the phrase “Bible story” when teaching our smallest children.…
A Mental Picture I Won't Soon Forget
Last week Leah and I enjoyed the FHU Bible Lectures. It was a time of great learning and enjoyment. I was able to see many old friends (although I never ran into my good friend Wes) and also was able to make a few new friends. I was also able to spend time with some of my family. We are blessed to have so many in our family who are faithful Christians, and, with so many preachers, most of us can get together for at least part of the week. On Wednesday night, we were enjoying the evening lecture when Turner started to get fussy. I don’t blame him; weeks…
Finished: John (Coffman Commentary)
I was given a complete set of the James Burton Coffman Commentaries on the New Testament some time ago (thanks, dad!). I have used them several times for reference, but I had never read one from cover-to-cover until just a few days ago. Preparing to go to the Freed-Hardeman University lectures, I decided to read the commentary on John all the way through. Most who are familiar with Coffman’s New Testament commentaries know that they are not written on a scholarly level, but, instead are more for the regular Bible student. For that purpose, the commentary on John is good. If you are looking for a commentary you can understand…
Friday Links Roundup: To FHU Edition
I am so excited about the Freed-Hardeman University Bible Lectures. The week is truly a feast for mind and soul. I learn so much from the speakers and I am constantly uplifted by the handshakes, hugs and kindness given by brothers and sisters in Christ. I hope to see so many of you there. Lord willing, we will be in Henderson until Friday, so I am not yet sure if there will be a links roundup next week. I have found a new “helper” in this weekly endeavor. I use iGoogle as my reader, so now I can read many more blogs for my own learning, but also to find…
Adam Likes THAT Song? (#1)
If you are a regular reader of the blog, you know that we sometimes little “fun” series on here. We are beginning one today that will be periodically updated. I love a lot of songs, but you might be suprised at some of the ones I like. They will probably never make a “100 Greatest Songs of Rock ‘n’ Roll” list, but they are still great songs. Most of them are songs I listen to on my Pandora station (and some are songs I have discovered because of that great site). For the first installment in this series, I hope you are able to whistle. I give you The Tremeloes:
Book Review: "The Meanest Man in Texas"
This true story, written by Don Umphrey, is fabulous. Clyde Thompson, known for many years as the meanest man in Texas, spent most of his life in prison for killing two men, and had years added on for killing two more. The stories of life in prison for this man are amazing. Don Umphrey did a tremendous job of getting inside Thompson’s head (through interviews later in Thompson’s life) so we can see what was going on inside his mind while in prison. And the journey through the psychology of this man is tremendous. Thompson’s dad was a Gospel preacher some of the time and continually encouraged Clyde to repent…
Prayers Needed
A big thank you to Paula Harrington for sending me the following email: http://www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,325894,00.html The tourist was an American and FHU alumnus.
FHU Lectureship Preview
I look forward to the annual Bible lectures at Freed-Hardeman University. It is a blessing to attend these lectures, to learn more about the Bible, to see family, and to renew old acquaintances. The week is one of the great blessings each year. The 72nd Annual Bible Lectureship will be held next week on the Henderson, Tennessee, campus, lasting from Sunday until Friday. Over 100 speakers will teach us more about God’s Word. To see a schedule, click here. I am proud that my brother-in-law, Jeremiah Tatum, will be speaking on Thursday at 1:30. His topic is in a track entitled “The Deity of Christ: Challenges from the Religious World.”…
Friday Links Roundup: Goodbye, Daewoo Edition
In late October my Daewoo stopped running. The timing belt broke and left me with a decision: put a used engine in the car that would cost more than the car was worth (in fact, over 2 times more), or sell the car for parts. After a lot of thinking, we decided to sell the car for parts. It is on eBay right now, and the auction ends this afternoon (wanna bid?). While we won’t get much for the car, we feel like this is the best decision. We have been making it with one car, and we are starting to save up for a second. Closer to the time…