Bible Review Time (by Leah)
NOTE: Today’s post is from Leah. This is her first post on our blog, but I really hope it is not her last!!! Her post deals with our homeschool, but the tips she will give will help any parents, especially of smaller children. Even if you do not homeschool, read this post. She gives some help for all parents at the end. Thanks to Leah for a great post…but even more for being a wonderful wife!

I’m probably not the only mom with young children who wonders what to do with all of the cute little take-home sheets from the kids’ Bible School classes at church. Just a few weeks ago during our fall break, I sat in the floor, wiping tears, as I looked at the cute cotton ball lambs with the purple scribbles all over it. I tried to keep a lot of it, so that I could sit again one day and cry. (Aren’t we mothers weird?)
We are blessed at Lebanon Road to have wonderful Bible school teachers. They truly teach the Bible. Without fail, our children come out of class with a cute Bible-based craft that they have worked on during class. We have many of these crafts come through our house, and I know that I won’t be able to keep all of them, but I wanted to use them somehow.
So, in my first blog post ever, I wanted to let you know how I am using them.

This is very simple. Everyday, in our school, we have our workbox time. These boxes have all kinds of learning activities for the kids to do. I decided that every Monday morning and every Thursday morning I would put the Bible school sheets that the kids bring home in a “workbox.”
When it is time to do that particular box, I sit with them and ask them questions about their lessons from the day before. (This is in addition to the time that we talk about their lessons in the car on the way home and our own Bible class at homeschool.) I try to make sure they remember the main events in the story. It is true that repetition is the key, and this is just one more time that I can talk to the kids about the wonderful Bible lessons they learn in Bible School.
Even if you don’t homeschool, you can still make Bible School Review a special time in your home.
The important thing is this – talk to your children about what they are learning in Bible class. They need to know that you value Biblical learning even on a 5 year old level. There’s also a side benefit – if they know you will ask, they will be more likely to listen better in class. So, please use those little sheets and crafts. I can tell you as a Bible school teacher myself: that is exactly what they’re for!

Rick Kelley
Leah (& Adam),
Thanks for the wonderful thoughts and encouragement, especially “talk to your children about what they are learning…” Conversation between parent and child – so simple, so neglected, so biblical (Deut. 6:1-4).
Great job on the post, Leah. Look forward to more chronicles of the Faughn Family school adventures!
Cindy Tatum
Great idea. We used to do this in the car on the way home, or at bedtime. It can also be quite entertaining sometimes to hear how a two or three year-old interprets a Bible event.
Great job, Leah. I am so proud of you and I love you.
Hi there,
Just wanted to let you know (I don’t have everyone’s email) that your submission to the Carnival of Homeschooling is live at http://momschool.net/2011/11/22/carnival-of-homeschooling/ If you could check to make sure your links are working, and then refer back to the carnival post from your blog – that would be great! Thanks…
Lisa Childs
Good to hear from you Leah. Keep up the wonderful work with your children and others whose lives you touch 🙂