
Book Review: Before I Die

If you read this blog often, you know how much I respect brother Wayne Jackson. He is true to the Scriptures, and is able to put forward some difficult lessons in a scholarly, yet practical, way.

Before I Die continues that tradition. Jackson’s work is a commentary on Paul’s letters to Timothy and Titus. Honestly, my only complaint about this book is that it isn’t longer! Filling some 370 pages, Before I Die is the “meat” of these three epistles.

For the Bible student, Jackson’s greatest contribution through this volume is a greater understanding of certain original words (without being so technical that the reader is bogged down).

From time-to-time, brother Jackson points out false teachings that have their “basis” in these letters. A brother or sister studying with someone of another faith will find these sections most helpful.

As a Bible class teacher, I can honestly say, when my class studies these epistles, it will be difficult to avoid just reading brother Jackson’s comments! I found these pages that helpful and insightful.

If you do not yet own this book, by all means, contact a Christian bookstore and add it to your library. You will not be disappointed.

NOTE: Awhile back, Christian Courier’s website published an excerpt from the book. Here is a link to that.


One Comment

  • JasRandal

    Adam, if you’d beef this review up a bit, with some additional material, and all the bibliographic info, we’d like to use it on BrotherhoodNews.com.