
Book Review: "The Gift of Forgiveness"

I try to mention each book I complete on this blog, and I try to point out positives in brief reviews. Unfortunately, the first book I completed in 2009 makes it difficult to start off the year with an uplifting recommendation!

The book, The Gift of Forgiveness by Charles Stanley, is a book that I was excited to read, but was deeply disappointed. Stanley, of course, is writing from a purely Calvinistic viewpoint and the teaching of “once saved, always saved” permeates nearly every aspect of the book. That was enough to really upset me as I read. In all seriousness, how can one write a book on forgiveness when he also teaches that a Christian cannot be lost?
To let you know how disappointed I was in this volume, one of my resolutions for 2009 is to do better about recording illustrations from the books I read. In this book I found…zero that I would use later. (Not exactly off to a great start with that resolution, then!)

Basically, the book comes across as a self-help manual when, in reality, forgiveness is far, far more.

Bottom line? Spend your money elsewhere.
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