Bible study,  Church Life,  Evangelism

Both Verses Must be Done

Jesus is the Head of the Church. As such, He gets to set the course and His will is to be what we are to do our very best to follow.

But, if we are honest, sometimes we prefer to pick and choose certain things that He taught while leaving others either undone or, at least, unemphasized.

There is a passage of Scripture, stated by Jesus Himself, that is often treated this way. One part is sometimes emphasized, while the other is left unsaid, undone, or underemphasized. And, sadly, it is done to both sides of the passage.

In Mark 16:15-16, Jesus stated, “Go into all the world and proclaim the gospel to the whole creation. Whoever believes and is baptized will be saved, but whoever does not believe will be condemned.”

The Head of the church clearly stated that entire section of Scripture. That means that both are necessary and essential.

But, on both sides of the equation, there are people who do not want to act as if they are.

On one side, there are people who want to be sure we hold to the proper pattern of the plan of salvation (as well they should!), but who rarely tell anyone about the gospel. They will “defend the faith” by making sure that faith and baptism are clearly preached (as they must be!), but have not told a friend or neighbor the good news about Jesus in years.

On the other side, there are people who want to tell people about Jesus (as well they should!), but who do not think it is of any real importance how someone should respond to that. They will a word for Jesus in nearly any situation (and they should be commended for that!), but do not ever seem to want to give people the essential nature of how Jesus Himself said to respond.

Both verses are necessary. If Jesus–the Head of the Church–makes it clear that we are to proclaim the good news, then that is exactly what we are to do. And if Jesus–the Head of the Church–makes it clear how someone is to respond to that gospel message, then that is exactly what we are to tell other people.

Having one without the other is not an option if we are going to be obedient to the Lord. Let’s be sure we constantly are seeking to be faithful to all that Jesus tells us to live and to teach.

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AUTHOR: Adam Faughn


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