Church Life,  Family

The Calm Assurance


Yesterday, it happened again. It was the second time in the last month, and the–well, I’ve lost count–time since coming to Lebanon Road.

I was at the hospital when a family welcomed a new baby into the world. Sometimes, I have been in the waiting room when the child was brought into the world. At other times, I got there just a few hours later and was one of the first to see and (sometimes) hold the child. As a preacher, it’s one of the best perks of the job!

The couple yesterday was welcoming their first child. She is a big baby (8 pounds, 13 ounces), and is as healthy as she can be. Everyone is great, and the joy in the room was amazing.


Then I jumped online and scanned the latest news. I hear of stories that make this world seem very scary.

Tim Tebow, under pressure from pro-homosexual groups, will not speak at a Baptist Church in Dallas. People of faith are feeling more and more constricted in speaking out against the sin of homosexuality.

Leon Panetta, US Defense Secretary, has asked the Pentagon to extend special benefits to homosexual couples who are living together. There does not seem to be any concern for either (1) homosexuality or (2) cohabitation.

As I type this, over 1100 babies have been aborted in our country…today alone.

Calling it a 19th Century law that is outdated, Colorado is trying to decriminalize adultery.

Our nation’s debt has topped $16.5trillion and continues to climb.

A middle-aged man right here in Nashville was charged with viewing child pornography…at the public library.


Why would anyone want to bring a child into this world? The news is frightening. The morals are declining. Raising a child is staggeringly difficult.

But it has always been so.

Raising children is so hard, because we must face a world that calls evil “good” and good “evil.” Bringing a child into this world is a scary proposition, but it has always been that way, and will continue to be that way.

How come, then, when I go to the hospital and see these newborn babies, there is joy and happiness? The answer is found in a verse of a song.

How sweet to hold a newborn baby

And feel the pride and joy he gives.

But greater still the calm assurance,

This child can face uncertain days because He lives!

How true! Whatever the newspaper says. No matter what is on the evening news. No matter how frightening this world might become. This child can face those uncertain days because Jesus rose from the dead and is King of Kings.

Praise God for these children! May God bless these parents! And may we all help every parent raise children who hold the hand of the risen Jesus to face uncertain days with “calm assurance.”

COMMENTS? Leave your story of “calm assurance” in the comments below.


Photo credit: Jason Pratt on Creative Commons

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