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How Sinful Entertainment Influences Us

Often, I mention entertainment in sermons. I love to be entertained, and there are several outlets I enjoy to unwind, get a laugh, or even shed a (very manly) tear.

3241512841_1fd19e208a_zBut I am very concerned with how Christians so often, very mindlessly, allow themselves to watch anything in the name of entertainment. Shows that, just a handful of years ago would not have even been allowed on television, are now common fodder for Christian consumption. Songs that are filled with the most vile words and concepts fill the iPods of countless Christians. Movies that are built openly sinful characters and themes are favorites of so many who then sing “Take Time to be Holy” on Sunday morning.

How have we let ourselves go this far?

There may be a hint all the way back in Genesis 6. Why did God send the flood? Notice how the King James Version puts it:

And God saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth, and that every imagination of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually. (Genesis 6:5)

The word translated “imagination” (ESV = “intention”) is from a Hebrew word that means “framework.” It was a word that could be used of the formation of pottery, since it takes a general mold to make a pot or basin.

But the word also meant (as it does here) the purpose of the heart.

Put those two ideas together. It is about how we frame (or form) our hearts, because that is what will eventually be how we look at the world. “As a man thinketh in his heart, so is he” (Proverbs 23:7).

You see, there is no rational or reasonable way to explain sinful behavior. Hollywood and the music industry gave up reason and rational explanations years ago. Instead, they simply put it out there, flaunt it, and keep making more and more smut. Why? Because they know that, over time, we will stop trying to reason about it, and will just accept it. We reframe our minds by what we are imagining.

How can we overcome it?

The answer is worded very simply, but is extremely hard to do: Think. Reason. Discern. Consider. Compare.

Yes, that does mean that even our entertainment will have to be thought about, which requires some work. But, if we want to give God our all, including our mind, we must keep our mind’s imaginations on Him, and not on what is pumped out by purveyors of sin.

QUESTION: What are some influences you have seen in the media and how have they affected our society in subtle ways?


Photo credit: futureatlas on Creative Commons

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