Church Leadership

  • Church Leadership,  Church Life,  Family

    A Valuable Scripture When Teaching

    I’m teaching a Wednesday night Bible class right now to some of my favorite students. I have 10th through 12th grade girls in a class on “The Roles of Women in the Home and the Church.” The class is designed to teach them leadership as God would have it. Whenever I am privileged to teach teen girls’ classes, I usually have a theme song and a prayer before we get into the actual study. The girls do a great job of leading in both of these areas. However, I changed things up a little bit this quarter. We still have our opening prayer, but this time I put a “theme” verse up…

  • Church Leadership,  Church Life

    4 Words That Should Express the Attitude of Every Leader (And That’s All of Us)

    I was recently asked to present some material for the Cedar Springs church of Christ in Louisville, Kentucky on the book of Zechariah. It was difficult to condense fourteen chapters into one forty minute presentation, but I tried to at least hit the high points of the particular aspect of the assignment given to me. There was one point that was outside the scope of my assignment that I think is important enough to discuss here. The point is made in just four words, but those four words are, at least in my mind, very powerful. When Donna and I returned home, I resumed teaching a class I’ve been teaching on Wednesday…

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  • Church Leadership,  Church Life

    When the Preacher Responds

    I remember it very well. I was preaching a sermon on the subject of being a Christian husband and, as the sermon went on, I realized that I had not been the type of husband that I was preaching about. So, at the conclusion of the invitation song, I motioned for people to be seated even though no one had walked down the aisle. After that, I walked back up to the pulpit and publicly repented of not being the type of husband I needed to be, asking God and my wife for forgiveness, and seeking prayers of encouragement. It was the only time I had ever responded in that…

  • Church Leadership,  Church Life

    Ruined by a Towel Rack

    I’ve been reading a book recently by brother Charles B. Hodge, Jr. entitled All Christians are Leaders. It might be possible for me to fill another book with some of the insights I’ve gained from that experience, but I will limit myself to one story he told in his book. Brother Hodge wrote that, for years, he was known as the “man with a towel.” When he was preaching full-time, white towels were purchased and the word “servant”  was stamped on them. These towels were given to men when they became deacons. There were also “Towel Sundays,” at which time towels were presented to people who “served in the shadows.” These people had been…

  • Church Leadership,  Church Life

    Preachers Are People, Too [Repost]

    The following post is the first “rerun” I can remember doing for A Legacy of Faith. The reason that I am doing this has to do with a conversation I had recently while attending Polishing the Pulpit. A brother asked me to send him a copy of this post, but I couldn’t find it at the time. When I did find the post, I could no longer find him and I had no contact information for him. One of the reasons that I couldn’t find the post was that it was written far enough in the past that I was still preaching “full time” when I wrote it. While that is no longer true…

  • Church Leadership,  Church Life

    It’s Not about the Pizza

    Recently, I was listening to a discussion among some men on the radio about a pizza restaurant they had visited. During the discussion they mentioned the fact that, when they walked into the restaurant, there was a sign that welcomed them (and others) to the restaurant that had been recognized for ten years in a row as the cleanest restaurant in that particular chain of restaurants. The curiosity of one of those men caused him to ask an employee what they did in order to earn that distinction. That, in turn, led to the young lady giving him and his friends a tour and discussing the procedures they had in place to…

  • Church Leadership,  Church Life,  Family,  Marriage

    One Of Life’s Greatest Blessings

    I’m spending a lot of time working on lessons for Polishing the Pulpit, which is coming up in a couple of months. Some of my time is spent just sitting and thinking about the topic upon which I have been asked to speak. This week I’ve been thinking, studying, and writing about being an elder’s wife. Now, you may be wondering about the title for this blog post and how it goes along with being an elder’s wife. There are days when I wonder the same thing! After all, it is a fairly difficult position…the wife of a man whose responsibility (along with other men serving in this capacity) is to watch…

  • Church Leadership,  Church Life

    Church Leaders, Quit Blaming It All On Covid

    First sentence: I am as guilty as anyone else. There, I said it. If you need to, read that first sentence again and again and again. This post is not meant to cast blame. It is meant for ME first. I need this. I am guilty of this. Are you getting the point? If you think I am talking about “your” church or “your” elders or whatever, I am not, unless they happen to fall under the same heading that I am writing about for ME. Here is the simple point: we are now over 610 days into 15 days to slow the spread. We are 20+ months into a…