Church Life
Episode 92: A Candid Conversation about Comparison and Perfectionism [Podcast] Play in new window | DownloadSubscribe: RSS(Player not displaying or working? Click here to listen.) Being a parent is difficult, but being a parent in the social media age leads to all sorts of insecurities about not measuring up. On the podcast this week, Adam and Leah have an unscripted and open conversation about the struggle many feel with comparing to others and the drive for being good enough. Resource “Why I’m No Homeschool Superstar” [Read Aloud Revival] More from A Legacy of Faith To subscribe to A Legacy of Faith by email for free click here. Subscribe to the podcast on iTunes Subscribe via rss Find us on Stitcher…
Where There’s Smoke, There’s Fire…Or Is There?
We have all probably heard and believed the old adage, “where there’s smoke there’s fire.” After all, it is a pretty strong correlation. In fact, just tonight, on our way home from our gospel meeting, my oldest son said, “There’s a fire. I know because I can see the smoke.” We weren’t close enough to see flames, but he assumed the fire based on the evidence of smoke. Sure enough, when we got closer to that section of town, there was a large brush fire from where land is being cleared for a new shopping center. I know that, for myself, I have often applied this rule to people, assuming…
A Rocky Reminder for Parents
I am in the midst of preaching a series on the Parable of the Sower. The study and preparation for these four lessons is challenging me at a very deep level, as I have been reminded that each of the four types of soil represents people who hear the Word…yes, even the bad soils heard the message! But as I was reflecting recently on the rocky soil, I was also challenged as a parent, and I want to share that challenge to all Christian parents. In Matthew’s account of the parable, that section reads this way: Other seeds fell on rocky ground, where they did not have much soil, and…
Don’t Let Somebody Else Wear Your Armor
So today this article is releasing on Halloween, and everybody will be wearing a costume in a few hours. We put on the costumes to look like something other than what we are. We take the place of or represent the likeness of another. It’s all in fun and in candy-gathering and all of that…and over the years certain costumes have been quite memorable. It’s not only enjoyable to dress up but it’s also very festive – it completes the purpose and intent of the holiday itself. We wear it temporarily, but the one we represent does not lose their identity. They are the original and true article, and we…
If It Doesn’t Make Any Difference
It would be difficult to overstate the tremendous blessings that are ours merely because we have the ability to make our own personal choices. It would also be difficult to overstate the amount of responsibility that is ours because of that ability. To state it simply, I must live with the consequences of the choices I make. Sometimes, those consequences are not great. For example, it really does not matter what color or type of vehicle I choose to drive. As long as I can afford it and as long as it meets my needs, it doesn’t really matter if I choose to drive a new car or a used car. I may have a…
Putting a Hold on Freedom
For many years, the region of Spain known as Catalonia has considered being an independent nation. They have their own language and a fairly bright economy, led by the largest city in the region, Barcelona. Recently, there was actually a vote among the people of that region and they voted for independence (though, admittedly, turnout was quite low). However, after the vote, they then put a hold on independence. Now, this is not meant to be a political post or an article about world cultures. I know little about the Catalonian independence movement and I have no idea if it would be a good thing or bad thing if this…
How to Find Out Who You Are
Last week my grandmother had a birthday. I called her to talk awhile as I could not easily visit. She lives about 7 hours away from us by car. We had sent a floral arrangement to her along with a gift and as we talked, as always, she was gracious and thankful. Then she mentioned something to me that has been on my mind ever since. She said that her son (my uncle) and his wife had bought her a new Bible she had been wanting. She said it had her name on the front, printed in gold, “Just in case she forgot who she was.” She joked that she…
Never Have a Problem with Monday
“Do what you love and you’ll never have a problem with Monday.” A friend of mine had this posted on Facebook recently as a recruiting tool for her business. And there is some definite truth to the statement! I love my job, so Mondays are okay with me. As much as I enjoyed fall break (and believe me, I enjoyed it all!), I didn’t dread going back to work Monday because I love teaching, advocating for, and encouraging my students. This got me to thinking about other days of the week being satisfying too. And I realized that, for the Christian, every day can be a good day because no…
What Place Do Sports Have in the Life of a Christian?
Sports dominate our world. So much so that now they are even used to shape politics and moral and religious thinking. Recent demonstrations by athletes only remind us what a big role athletics play in our lives. It’s not that athletes are supposed to be our cultural heroes – it’s just that they have such a huge forum in which to be heard. And as with any advantage that human beings experience in life – the sporting arena has now become an agent by which society is influenced. I grew up eating, drinking, and living sports. It wasn’t anybody’s fault. All I wanted was a ball since I was old…
A Retired Preacher Who is Still a Pastor
How many of the following statements confuse you? I began preaching full-time for a congregation in southern Illinois in 1978, but I was not a pastor. I moved to another location in Southeast Missouri in 1985. For eleven years, I served as the full-time preacher there, but I was not a pastor. I began preaching full-time for the Central church of Christ in Paducah in 2001, but I was not a pastor. On December 21, 2003, I started serving that congregation as one of the pastors. From December 21, 2003, until December 31, 2016, I was both a full-time preacher for the Central church and also one of the pastors. On…