Church Life
Lizards or Alligators
I saw a lizard the other day and it reminded me of a time in my very distant past that has always lived in my memory bank. I grew up in a small town in a time when you walked to town to do your shopping. As a very little girl, I remember what a treat it was to walk with my grandmother to town when she needed to shop. We had to walk past an open area that had a hand rail on one side because the land dropped off on that side of the sidewalk. As I was skipping along beside her (and probably talking), I saw a rather large lizard…
How About Some Good News for a Change?
Are you tired of bad news? Do you feel dragged down by all the negative headlines? Is the push and pull of social media getting you upset? There’s an old saying in journalism: “If it bleeds, it leads.” To put it simply, bad news draws our attention, so we get more of it. And, to be fair, there is a lot of bad news. When you live in a world filled with frail and sinful people, there are going to be sicknesses and murders and arguments and breakups and scandals and, and, and……… However, while that is true, if we have faith in God, there is always good news! No…
The Other Sumo Wrestlers
The thoughts I’m about to share are not about those Japanese wrestlers who make me feel good about my weight and who could use a lot more clothing as they compete. At the same time, what I have on my mind could be just about as dangerous for me as getting into that circle with one of those guys. At the risk of making some people very upset with me, I am actually writing about another group of people. I’ve never met the first type of sumo wrestler. I have, however, met quite a few of the kind of people I’ve been thinking about lately. Actually, I’ve not just been thinking about these…
I’m Tired of Fear Leading Us
I’m going to get in trouble for this article. I know I am. But, at some point, you have to just step out of your comfort zone–for me, my comfort zone is being non-confrontational–and say what needs to be said. This post really has been in my mind for awhile, and it wasn’t nerves that kept me from writing it, but it was just how to start it. I knew where I wanted to go…I just wasn’t sure how to get there. Then I watched a little TV and checked social media for just a few minutes over the weekend, and it clicked. Late on Saturday afternoon, I watched the…
They (We) Weren’t Always Old
It doesn’t seem like it has been all that long ago that I looked at people who were well into the aging process and never gave much thought to the fact that I could be one of those people someday. I guess I thought that, somehow, I would always be the age I happened to be at that time. During those years, I felt sorry for those whose gait was very slow, whose posture was not as erect as it once was, and who had trouble seeing, hearing, and/or understanding. I watched as a spouse would help his or her “life companion” struggle with devices and equipment designed to aid in mobility,…
Jevovah-Nissi = The Lord My Banner
I’ve been doing some study lately about the names for God in the Bible. The book entitled God, Pass By Me: Seeing God’s Glory through His Names, Titles, and Descriptions by Casandra Martin is a great study of this topic. Jehovah-Nissi is one name that really caught my attention. Lately, it seems as though every direction I turn there is something to raise my stress level. There are health issues, time crunches, people who claim to be Christians who are sowing discord in the church, people are grumbling and complaining. Along with all of this there are national disasters, loss of life, and the list could go on and on.…
Of Saving Cats and Saving Souls
A fairly interesting football game over the weekend was overshadowed by a few moments of excitement in the stands. As the Miami Hurricanes struggled to defeat Appalachian State, the attention of a large number of the fans was drawn to something happening away from the field. A cat was somehow hanging from the upper deck and unable to climb back up. Fans in the upper deck tried to reach out to the cat, but that only scared the feline. Some fans below were formulating a plan, though. They had brought an American flag to the game–it was the 20th anniversary of 9/11, after all–and unrolled it, holding it underneath the…
Righteous Judge
I’m so thankful God is in charge of making the big decisions! I just know how I often I get smaller ones wrong. In particular on my mind today, is the concept of God knowing who deserves rewards versus punishments. Everyone likes to think about the rewards and very few like to think about the punishments, but I would argue those have to handed out correctly for things to go well. What if there were no judges who fairly handed out even the most straightforward of sentences? Our roads would be even more full of drunk, reckless drivers. Our streets would be filled with known murderers and worse! We are…
Conversations Don’t Need Autofill
Do you enjoy the autofill feature on Google and other platforms? You’ve seen it in action. You start to type something in a search bar and, all of a sudden, several possible endings–usually based on things you have searched for previously–start appearing for you to choose from. (Google has figured out that I search a lot for where Bible verses are found–I know it’s in the Bible, but I’m terrible with references–so I could be searching for anything and it’s probable a verse will be one of my choices.) Autofill really is an amazing feature and, a great deal of the time, it is helpful. If you are trying to…
The Best Glue
I was recently involved in a conversation with a brother in the Lord. We used to live in the same town, but that is no longer the case. In fact, it has not been true for over a quarter of a century. Thankfully, we haven’t let a “little thing” like geography keep us from having a close relationship with one another. Part of that conversation had to do with a congregation with which both of us are very familiar. As the conversation moved along, the name of one particular man came up. He is now in eternity and has been for some time. Even though he is no longer a member of that congregation, his…