Church Life
The Beautiful Sound of Silent Singing
As I write these words, I am engaged in a Gospel Meeting, and during the week, I have been reminded of something that has been on my mind quite a lot in recent months. It started back in February. One day during chapel at the annual Freed-Hardeman University Bible lectures, the speaker was a deaf minister. He signed his lesson, and a man sitting on the front row spoke it out loud for those (many) of us who do not know much, or any, American Sign Language. Then, when I moved to Paducah and began preaching at Central, we had a family who signed. They were in the process of…
If Satan Can Convince You That You Are Not Happy…
It happens fairly innocently, the feelings of discontentment. Here we are in 2018, the most blessed people of any generation in the history of time, and we are dissatisfied. Usually, these tendencies of being discontented are closely related to being perfectly spoiled. Most of us are not poor. We have more creature comforts and conveniences than ever. We are parked right here in the Christian age with the manifold wisdom of God having been delivered to us. Our hearts, minds, and bodies should be full! The devil can work with spoiled rotten. He can work through privilege to convince us that what we have is not enough or not as…
How Do I Help Somebody Who Has Lost a Loved One?
We’ve all been there or we’ll all be there. It may be that you are there right now. Somebody you know has lost a family member. You want to help, but you are not entirely sure how you can do that. In the most recent issue of the Gospel Advocate (Vol. 160, No. 9, September 2018), there was an informative article by a sister in the Lord. Michelle Moore wrote about the loss of her son and provided what I thought was some very practical advice. You may find her article on pages 14-16 of this issue. She wrote of things that many of us have thought of. For example, she suggested that ministering to those…
Trust and Obey
A couple of weekends ago was a special time for the Willow Avenue church family. It was time for our annual Family Retreat. If your congregation doesn’t already have a family retreat weekend or something like it, I highly recommend adding it to your busy schedule. Family Retreat is a time of fun, connection, study, praise, competition, and rest. On this weekend, it is not uncommon to see elders playing with babies of the congregation while parents take a break to play. You may see normally loving church members slapping a card down and saying “beat you!” as the card games get quite intense. The teens (and many adults) often sleep…
What I “Like” Speaks Volumes
I know that I am going to step on some toes with this article. I know that because, as I have thought about writing it, my toes have been a bit tender Still, I felt this was something that needed to be said, as Christians seek to navigate living holy lives in every arena of life, including the social media world. It seems to happen constantly, and it truly concerns me. Someone puts a post on Facebook or a picture on Instagram, and the comments and “likes” (or “hearts”) start coming in. It’s great…or is it? Well, like so many other things, it depends. Too often, Christians feel like they…
What Do You Want to Hear the Preacher Say?
Since I am no spring chicken anymore and I have been in the church all of my life I can honestly say that I have seen a thing or two happen in the church. This article may sound like it is being written by an old fuddy-duddy but I promise you this is not my intention. It is purely my intention to cause you to think and answer the question in the title for yourself. I grew up believing purely that the Bible was what preaching was all about. I admit that this was hammered into me my parents and grandparents, and my papa was my preacher and a missionary…
Before the Cover-Up
If you are like me, you have probably read Genesis 2:25 more times than you can remember. It may very well be that, like me, you’ve never given much consideration to some of the implications of that verse. After we read about the creation of both Adam and Eve we read the following words: And the man and his wife were both naked and were not ashamed (Gen. 2:25). As we read the very next verse in God’s Word (Gen. 3:1), we are reading the sad account of how sin entered into the world. In that same chapter, we also read about the first attempted “cover-up” of sin. After the first couple…
Episode 108: Memories of PtP and Lessons Learned from Moving [Podcast] Play in new window | DownloadSubscribe: RSS(Player not displaying or working? Click here.) The podcast is back! After a little hiatus, Adam and Leah take the time to talk about why Polishing the Pulpit means so much to them. Then, after moving twice in about 6 weeks, they share four lessons for families from moving. We hope you will enjoy the program and subscribe! More from A Legacy of Faith To subscribe to A Legacy of Faith by email for free click here. Subscribe to the podcast on iTunes Subscribe via rss Find us on Stitcher Radio Visit the show archives
Some Things I Hope I Never Forget
I know it’s risky to use a title like this. The reality is that if I live for several more years I may not be able to remember the things I really want to. My mother had severe dementia in her later years, and while there is no guarantee that I will follow in her footsteps, there is the real possibility that I might. I still want to share some things with you that I hope I never forget. hey are very special to me and were brought to my remembrance this last week by the first thing on my list. I hope I never forget: The feeling I had when I…
When You Don’t Start a Problem, It Won’t Spread
Maybe the most often-quoted Chinese proverb is, “The journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.” Nearly every time I have heard that proverb used, it has been in an encouraging way, but have we ever stopped to consider that the same statement is true in a negative sense, as well. If we ever start down a sinful path, we could find ourselves lost and without hope in some addiction or massive life upheaval due to that sin. In the mid-1400s, the nation of Portugal was sending out explorers to nearby islands to try to find land to take over and resources to use. One island was named…