Still Here, But Forgotten
We see it on tombstones, accompanying picture of loved ones, on cards expressing sympathy, etc.: Gone, but not forgotten Most of us can relate to this. In fact, I think that it would be difficult to find very many people who have lost somebody close to them, but who don’t continue to have memories of them. I am one of those fortunate ones for whom those memories are pleasant. The pain of losing family members and friends is tempered by the good times we were able to share. Since there is apparently not as much fear of personal interaction due to various strains of Covid, I’ve been trying to get back to doing…
Why I’m Voting “Yes” Next Tuesday
One thing about our site that you may have noticed through the years is that we do not talk about political candidates or parties (except to mention both sides of an issue). We do not share how we are going to vote or how we did vote in elections for President, Senate, or any other position. However, next Tuesday in my home state of Kentucky, there is a vote–not for a candidate or an office–that is one of the most important votes I will ever cast in my lifetime. It is one that I have prayed to have the opportunity to vote on since I was able to vote. In…
Vote For Me and I Will…
Unless you’ve been living under a rock for quite a while, you probably know that various elections for political offices are just a little over a week away. There is absolutely no way of knowing how much time and effort has gone into trying to persuade voters to cast a ballot for this or that candidate, this or that proposition, this or that amendment, etc. According to one report I read, 9.3 billion dollars will be spent in this “election cycle” in an effort to garner votes. According to that same report, that staggering figure is the amount spent only on elections for offices on the federal level. It does not include the…
Lord, Give Us Strength
Let me say, right from the start, that this is not my usual, light-hearted attempt at encouragement. This article is being written while in a place of struggle and, as of the writing, I don’t know the outcome. But I do know this: Satan is at war for souls, including our children’s souls. He has many tools and resources that he uses to ensnare our thoughts and hearts. As much as he attacks us, sometimes I wonder if he isn’t after our children even more. After all, if he can get them young and then make them feel unworthy enough, they are much easier to keep down. And they haven’t…
A Valuable Scripture When Teaching
I’m teaching a Wednesday night Bible class right now to some of my favorite students. I have 10th through 12th grade girls in a class on “The Roles of Women in the Home and the Church.” The class is designed to teach them leadership as God would have it. Whenever I am privileged to teach teen girls’ classes, I usually have a theme song and a prayer before we get into the actual study. The girls do a great job of leading in both of these areas. However, I changed things up a little bit this quarter. We still have our opening prayer, but this time I put a “theme” verse up…
The Most Controversial Thing about Parents in Our Society
It is hard to watch, read, or scan the news and not see some story or headline about parents. Maybe it has to do with school curricula. Maybe it has to do with the medical establishment. Maybe it has to do with local sports’ leagues. But it is quite an interesting thing to hear the word “parents” in the news so often. It got me thinking about something that is quite telling, but also extremely sad. And it may just be the most controversial thing about parents in our society. What is it? That they are actually acting as parents! What does it say about our culture that parents trying…
Thank You, Mr. Wills
Do you recognize the young man in the picture? Does his name, Frank Wills, help at all? What about the fact that he is wearing some kind of uniform? Does the picture of the lock help at all? You may be interested to know that Jeff Bezos recently thought that it was valuable enough to pay $62,500 for it at an auction. Those of us who have been around a while probably easily recognize names like John Dean, H. R. Haldeman, John Erlichman, John Mitchell, G. Gordon Liddy, Chuck Colson, and, of course. Richard M. Nixon. We probably would have a fairly easy time identifying most of them by their pictures as well. Although half…
Little Things Can Be Big Deals
On a recent afternoon Donna received a call unlike any other she had ever received. Our oldest granddaughter was out doing some job hunting and called to ask if she could come by for a visit. That may seem like no big deal to many who read this, but it was a first for us. You see, once our children “left the nest,” we had never lived in the same town with either of them. None of us had any opportunity to stop by and visit. All of that changed about four years ago, when our son and his family moved to Paducah, but, at that time, neither of his children were old…
Episode 164: Tough Talk about Trusting Your Husband [Podcast] Play in new window | DownloadSubscribe: RSS (Player not displaying or working? Click here.) Trusting your husband is something that wives know they should do, but it is not always easy. This week on the podcast, Adam and Leah use an article (linked below) to tackle those times when it is not easy to trust. Link “Husbands and How to Understand Them” [Like Mother, Like Daughter] NOTE: As we say in the podcast, there are some portions of this article that we strongly disagree with, but the overall message is one that is much needed. Find our podcast on… Apple Podcasts Google Podcasts Spotify Stitcher TuneIn Radio RSS
When the Desire is Gone
How would you like to have been a newspaper reporter during the Great Depression? Can you imagine trying to cover that era and find new angles to something that lasted year after year? Recently, I was reading a book about some events in 1932 and came across a quote from a Chicago newspaper that was truly powerful. A reporter was talking about a posh and exciting event being held in that city, but it was basically right across the street from a park. In that park, many unemployed gathered. Some were homeless, while others just sort of were there to be with others who were in the same pit of…