Church Life

Reading the Bible on My Kindle

Last Christmas, Leah (the most wonderful wife in the world!) bought me a Kindle. I love it. I read from it practically every day, and have been able to get tons of free books for light reading.

But I also decided to try something new for me this year, and the Kindle helped tremendously. Instead of following a set reading plan for my personal Bible reading, I just decided to read an unspecified amount each day. I read the Bible as a piece of literature, just reading whatever I could get to each day. Sometimes it was just a  handful verses, while at other times it was a dozen chapters or more.

Late last week, I finished reading the English Standard Version (which, by the way, is free on the Kindle) through in this way. I loved it!

Here are some reflections on this type of reading.

  • It freed me from thinking, “I need to read 5 chapters today.” Instead, I just read what I could.
  • I found myself wanting to read further each day instead of saying to myself, “Well, there are my 4 chapters today.”
  • At the bottom of the Kindle, there is a line graph that shows the percentage of the book you have completed. I did refer to this sometimes, just to be sure I wasn’t way behind, but I never was behind.
  • This  may just be me, but I noticed more of the “literary techniques” in the Bible reading this way.
  • Because of the desire to read more, I finished reading the entire Bible in less than 10 months!

Now, of course, you do not have to utilize a Kindle to read the Bible this way, but I found it to be helpful. I would recommend reading the Bible in this fashion to anyone, though. Instead of thinking you have to read a certain number of verses or chapters each day, just pick up your Bible and read God’s Word for a few minutes as you would any other book. (Except, of course, with more reverence!)

QUESTION: Have you read the Bible this way before? What were your impressions?


Photo credit: Julien on creative commons

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If you do not have a Kindle, the basic model (which is what I own and use) is now just $69. Click the ad below to check it out.


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