Daddies and Daughters
Recently we have been in the season of the dad/daughter dinner date. I have seen literally hundreds of Facebook posts of pictures with fathers and daughters going to special venues and celebrating their relationship. That our culture is embracing the reality that we need to invest special time and effort into our children is a positive thing. With this being said, I have some specific things I would like to say to all dads out there when it comes to their daughters. One night on the town is not enough. Please don’t think that just because you had a date night and dressed up and made a special evening out…
A Trophy
Have you heard the new definition of the word “trophy?” I had not until I attended a meeting for an advisory council on which I serve for one of our local high schools. During the meeting, the discussion turned to a program designed to discourage sexual activity among the students. During that discussion, I learned about something that takes place on a regular basis among high school students today. A girl is asked by a friend if she is planning to give her boyfriend (or any other boy, for that matter) a trophy. I’m old enough (and out of touch enough) to remember when a trophy was something a high school student received…
Episode 51: How OpenDNS Can Help Protect Your Family or Your Church Online (guest Chad Landman) [Podcast] Play in new window | DownloadSubscribe: RSS(Player not working? Click here to listen.) On last week’s episode of the podcast, we began a two-part series on managing media in the home. Today, as a follow-up, we are joined by Chad Landman. Chad shares how OpenDNS can help families manage the internet in their home, and it doesn’t have to cost a dime. Also, anyone of any technical level can set this up. Resources OpenDNS [homepage] [This page walks you through setting up OpenDNS on virtually any device in a simple, straightforward manner.] Home Security [The three “tiers” Chad and Adam discuss on the site. Remember, tiers 1 and…
Episode 50: Myths on Managing Media in the Home [Podcast] Play in new window | DownloadSubscribe: RSS(Player not working? Click here.) Being a parent is difficult, and the ever-connected worlds of mass and social media make it even more difficult. On today’s podcast, Adam shares some myths about managing media in the home when there are kids around. The myths are taken from Bob Waliszewski’s book Plugged-In Parenting. More from A Legacy of Faith To subscribe to A Legacy of Faith by email for free click here. Subscribe to the podcast on iTunes Subscribe via rss Find us on Stitcher Radio Visit the show archives
A Powerful Quote for All Fathers
From the book Strong Fathers, Strong Daughters by Meg Meeker. Get a copy here.
“I’m Desperate for Snow”
Those were the words of our bleary-eyed, barely-awake 8-year-old on a recent school morning. She had worn her pajamas inside-out and backwards, flushed ice, put a spoon under her pillow, and done her best snow dance, all to no avail. She had to wake up and go. (Don’t feel too bad for her. Her snow routine worked last night and I am currently in comfy sweats on our first official snow day of the year!) As I have thought (and laughed) about Lyssa and her “desperation” for snow, I couldn’t help but think about David’s plea in Psalm 51:7 where he says, “Wash me, and I shall be whiter than…
4 Reasons a Daddy Should “Date” His Daughter
Daddy-daughter dates are a blessing in my life. A few years ago, on the eve of Mary Carol starting Kindergarten, I took her on our first date. She still remembers it, to the point that she can tell you which restaurant we went to, where we sat, and what we ate. Admittedly, I have not been as consistent with these dates as I should have been over the last few years, but each date with my precious girl is a reminder of how special she is. We never do anything all that fancy, but we always enjoy our time together. Lord willing, tomorrow night we will go on our next…
Put Up the Floodgates
We live in a river town. The mighty Ohio flows by the Port of Paducah bringing both beauty and industry to our area. Jim and I have spent several pleasant evenings in the summer sitting down by the river watching the boats and barges go up and down that beautiful waterway. There is a floodwall that is beautifully painted with murals portraying the history of the city of Paducah and many people come to our city and enjoy the artwork on that wall. This last week access to that beautiful resting spot was cut off because the river had risen to a dangerous level and it was thought that the floodgates would have…
As We Prepare to Turn the Page
If we live long enough and if the Lord has not come in the meantime, we will mark the passing another “old year” and the beginning of 2016 at midnight Thursday night. The transition from one year to the next means a lot of different things to different people. In many ways, this particular transition promises to be one of those milestones we hear about from time to time. When 2015 comes to a close, Donna and I will complete our fifteenth year of worshiping with, working with, and loving the people who comprise the Central church of Christ in Paducah, Kentucky. There have been a lot of changes during these fifteen…
The Most Wonderful Time of the Year
It’s here! It’s here! One of my favorite times of year is here – Christmas-time! As I am writing this, The Polar Express is playing on my TV and we are about to the part that still makes me cry when I read it to my children: “The bell still rings for those who truly believe.” Um, yeah. I have a bell as one of my decorations … and, yes, I can hear it! This is a busy time and, for many, a difficult time. Some try to turn it into a time of debate. Still others seem to take great delight in trying to out-Grinch the Grinch. But for…