Church Life,  Family


For about a month now I have been getting rid of things we don’t need or use. I’ve been cleaning out closets, cabinets, and the garage. The donation center has seen us often and will probably see us a few more times before I’m finished!

I asked myself, “Why do we have all of this stuff?” I know the answer – we bought it because we wanted it, but did we really need it?? Did any of it really make our lives better, or were we just filling a perceived need? Were we trying to make others think more highly of us with things, and not with actions?

I’ve done some reading about the minimal life style and looked at lots of lists for decluttering a house. I don’t quite think I’m ready to become a minimalist, but I can say that the decluttering is making me feel much better. I used to hang on to things because I might need them someday, but rarely has that day ever come.

I’ve spent my time moving those possessions from one location in the house to another and have never put them to use.  There have been times when I would think about something in those boxes, but couldn’t remember which box it was in.  Often, years would pass and I didn’t use those things in the boxes or in the back of my closet! All of these possessions are material and will be gone someday. Their value will lessen and they will either be trashed or used by someone else. They won’t matter to me.

All of this work to declutter our possessions has made me take time to think about decluttering my mind and my life in general. Does your mind ever get so cluttered that you can’t think straight? Mine certainly has, and the sad part is that it is usually my own doing! Think with me about some things that occupy the space in our minds:

  • The care and keeping of our home. With Thanksgiving coming, I can think of a long list of things I need to accomplish before company comes.
  • The groceries that need to be bought for all of those extra dishes we’ll make.
  • The news of our day and its impact on the world around us.
  • What we often see on our Facebook page from people we don’t even know. We allow what they say to occupy space in our minds and cause us to become less useful in life.
  • The state of our economy and how it might affect our life.
  • Our lack of time for relaxation.

Did you notice something about all of these listed items? They are all earthly, and deal with our earthly lives. We choose to watch and read and focus upon these earthly things!

Don’t you think it’s time to declutter our minds and focus on what really matters – our relationship with God? If we spent the same amount of time talking to Him and listening to Him that we spend on worldly news, our cluttered minds would begin to relax and enjoy the blessings we have from God.

Don’t just declutter your house…declutter your mind as well.

“…do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God.

And the peace of God which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus” (Philippians 4:6-7).

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AUTHOR: Donna Faughn


A Legacy of Faith exists to help families survive the day, plan for tomorrow, and always keep an eye on eternity. If you choose to print one of our articles in another publication (e.g., church bulletin), please give credit to the author and provide a link to the article's url. Thank you.