Church Life,  Family,  Trust God

Do You Have a Favorite Pillow?

Recently, two of our grandchildren spent a couple of nights with us. After they had spent a night back at their house, it was discovered that our granddaughter did not make it home with her pillow. When I told her that we were sorry that we didn’t find it earlier, she told me that it was alright because that wasn’t the only one she had. She told me that it was her favorite pillow, but that she slept fine without it.  

Her response didn’t seem all that strange to me. She’s not the only person in the world who has a favorite pillow. Her “Grammy” also has one that we typically take with us when we are away from our house.

How about you? Do you have a favorite pillow? If not, do you have a favorite shirt, dress, cap, pair of shoes, chair, coffee cup, electronic device, etc.?

Maybe your list of “favorites” would include things other than you own. Do you have a favorite vacation destination and place to stay when you get there? Is there a favorite restaurant or place to shop? Is there a doctor, hospital, dentist, optometrist, etc. that would make your list? 

If, like me,  the answer to any of those questions is, “yes,” do you realize what we just did? We admitted that, while literally millions of people in the world struggle just to survive, we have more than one of something that literally millions of people in the world would love to only have one of. While we “struggle” to make choices, they are denied the opportunity to make those choices by economic circumstances, governmental regulations, or both.

I’m afraid that many of us could be more than a little spoiled. Please notice the pronoun in that last sentence. I included myself. I wonder if some of us are so busy chasing the American dream that we fail to realize that there are so many others who cannot even dream of the life we are living.  

As I think about that favorite pillow, I’m also thinking about a couple of concepts I read about in my Bible. You can read about them multiple times in your Bible as well.  

Those two concepts are…

gratitude/thankfulness and contentment.

As you sit in your favorite chair and drink coffee from your favorite cup, maybe you’ll join me in thinking of those concepts as we go through our day and, at the end of that day, put our heads on our favorite pillows.

Maybe it would help if we considered something that that Paul wrote:

I rejoiced in the Lord greatly that now at length you have revived your concern for me.  You were indeed concerned for me, but you had no opportunity.  Not that I am speaking of being in need, for I have learned in whatever situation I am to be content. (Philippians 4:10-11, ESV)

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AUTHOR: Jim Faughn


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