Does Your Bible Fit?

In a recent Bible class, the teacher made an interesting comment. He was teaching about marking your own Bible as a personal commentary and study reference. As part of that discussion, he was mentioning different features available such as references at the bottom or in the middle column and how much white space there is for personal notes. He told of looking at Bibles for sale online and then said something to the effect of: “I’m old fashioned. There are some things I just want to be able to try on. I want to make sure my Bible fits me.”
Of course, it was that last phrase that caught my attention and made me start thinking. While I know his intention was perfectly good and appropriate for what was being discussed, it made me wonder how many people in the world are trying to get their Bible to fit them … for all the wrong reasons.
If there is a moral issue that is clearly condemned, they may search for a version or paraphrase that “softens the wording.” [For an example, compare the wording in 1 Cor. 6:9-11 in several popular versions.] I’ve even been told of one lady who, when asked about a particular passage in relationship to a sin she enjoyed said, “Oh, we just don’t do that part.”
And then I began to wonder if I do the same thing. When I don’t take the time to read as I should or “forget” to pray, do just gloss over that part of Scripture? Remember that, to God, any sin is unholy. I don’t have to be seeking to justify a blatantly immoral lifestyle. I just have to be seeking to justify myself.
So, while I may make sure my Bible has plenty of white space for me to take notes or cross references in an easily read format, I am going to work harder on making sure I fit my Bible instead of the other way around.
“I have stored up your word in my heart, that I might not sin against you.” Psalm 119:11
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AUTHOR: Amber Tatum