Church Life

Don’t Just be an “About” Christian

Christianity is far more than an “about” religion. Let me explain.

There are countless books “about” the Bible. From commentaries to study helps to various other writings, shelves are filled to overflowing with books about the Bible. And, for sure, a good number of them are helpful. But nothing can replace actually reading the Bible.

The same would be true with not just reading, but studying the Bible. It is one thing to watch videos or listen to podcasts “about” studying the Bible. That can be helpful and can give you both information and motivation to study. But it is another thing to actually do it; to actually study Scripture.

Consider prayer. There are so many helpful resources “about” prayer to help us understand it better and give us more knowledge. But it is another thing to actually open up our hearts to God in prayer.

The examples could go on and on, but you get the point. Now, let me say, I am not suggesting that we never read a helpful book or consult a commentary or listen to a podcast. Of course those things are good and can deepen our knowledge about various aspects of our Christian faith.

But nothing will deepen it more than actually doing what we should be doing! Actually reading. Actually studying. Actually praying. Actually worshiping. Actually serving.

And why? Because we want to have a heart like Paul’s. You see, he did not just want to know “about” Christ. Instead, he wrote, “I want to know Christ” (Philippians 3:10).

You see…Christianity is not an “about” religion!

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AUTHOR: Adam Faughn


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