The Door Remains Open
Yesterday, following our Bible classes, I was having a very important discussion with two tremendous people who have been coming to Lebanon Road for a few months. The husband was wanting some advice on a way to approach a particular Bible study, so we were trying to help him gain that vital information.
What I didn’t know until a few minutes later was that, while we were discussing how to teach someone the Bible, someone was being baptized upstairs in our baptistry.
Here is what is even more amazing, though. The lady who was baptized has been coming to Lebanon Road for years. I mean years…as in, probably, close to 20. Her son and his wife are members, as are several members of her extended family. Many of our folks thought she was a member, because she is here anytime she possibly can be, and is so friendly to everyone.
She still held to some denominational doctrines, but finally came to the knowledge of the truth and put those false teaching behind her. She realized the importance of baptism, and was immersed to wash her sins away.
Did I mention that she is 91 years of age???
That’s right. This new “child” of the king is a sweet lady of 91.
After the baptism, some of us were talking and another member of the Lebanon Road family said they were at an area-wide singing recently. Following the singing, a man decided to be baptized who was in his late 70s.
I write this post to encourage us all. The door to the hearts of many people remains open. Just because someone is elderly, or just because they have certain circumstances in their life, does not mean that the door is shut to the Lord. You and I can never be the judge of that, so we must press on and teach.
Who will you reach out to today? You may just reach someone with the Gospel.
You just never know.
Photo credit: emdot on Creative Commons
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