Every Day is Election Day

I am typing these words in the middle of a hotly contested and very contentious “election season.” Before too much longer millions of people will go to the polls all over our nation and make a choice about their preferences for the people they would like to serve in a variety of national, state, and local political offices.
The greatest amount of national interest seems to be on who will win the election for the highest office in our land. That fact does not, in any way, diminish the importance of every election for every office.
Some who read this may know that my major in college was government. My understanding is that Southern Illinois University had a chairman of that department at one time who refused to use the term used at most colleges and universities. Since it apparently was his contention that politics is not a science, I could not major in political science, but in government.
As I remember it, it was interesting to learn about how people make choices when they vote; how those choices are influenced; the impact those choices have; and a host of other things. As you might expect, some courses and some instructors were more interesting than others.
I’ve been thinking during this election season that every day is election day. Every day decisions are made that determine something much more important than who will hold some political office. Every day each one of us makes multiple decisions.
As I make those decisions, I need to keep this often quoted advice in mind:
Watch your thoughts; they become your words. Watch your words; they become your actions. Watch your actions; they become your habits. Watch your habits; they become your character. Watch your character; it becomes your destiny. (Lao Tzu)
As my interest changed years ago, I began to focus more and more on the last word in that quote. In fact, I added a word. I began to realize that I make decisions every day that will determine my eternal destiny.
Politicians come and go. Political parties shift positions on a variety of issues from time to time. It is even true that nations rise and fall.
Long, long after this entire world no longer exists each of us will be wherever our choices have determined we will be. It would be wise for all of us to accept the challenge that Joshua gave to the Israelites centuries ago:
…choose you this day whom you will serve… (Joshua 24:15)
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AUTHOR: Jim Faughn