
FHU Lectureship Preview

I look forward to the annual Bible lectures at Freed-Hardeman University. It is a blessing to attend these lectures, to learn more about the Bible, to see family, and to renew old acquaintances. The week is one of the great blessings each year.

The 72nd Annual Bible Lectureship will be held next week on the Henderson, Tennessee, campus, lasting from Sunday until Friday. Over 100 speakers will teach us more about God’s Word.

To see a schedule, click here.

I am proud that my brother-in-law, Jeremiah Tatum, will be speaking on Thursday at 1:30. His topic is in a track entitled “The Deity of Christ: Challenges from the Religious World.” He has been assigned “The Jehovah’s Witnesses’ View.” If you have never heard Jeremiah speak, head to Auditorium C in Loyd Auditorium for that lecture on Thursday.

I love the book of John, which serves as the theme book for the lectures. While I am usually excited about hearing brother Dan Winkler speak in the “Preaching the New Testament” track, I am even more so this year; since he will be sharing lessons from one of my favorite books! That track will be in auditorium A at 2:30 from Monday through Thursday.

There are lectures for youth workers, Hispanic workers, campus workers, ladies and Bible class teachers. To put it simply, there is something for everyone. We save up money for quite some time so we can truly enjoy the week. I can barely wait for the lectures, and I know that, if you get a chance to attend, you will not be disappointed. Check out the schedule and come, even if it is for a few hours. Your soul will be stirred by the messages, the singing and the fellowship.

I hope to see you there.

[NOTE: If you cannot attend, or have missed some lectures in past years, click here to order tapes or CDs of previous lectures, or to preorder from the 2008 series.]
