
How to Get FREE Stuff from Us

Every so often, we take a post to let you know about something going on here at the Faughn Family of Four. Today, instead of sharing news, we want to share some free stuff with you.

Did you know that we give a lot of stuff away? Well, here’s how you can enjoy all our free stuff (in addition to this free blog, of course).

1. Blessings from Revelation eBook. We provide a copy of the full eBook we wrote on Revelation to everyone who subscribes to our blog via email. One of the things we want to do is provide quality, so we give away the entire eBook (not just a chapter or some workbook). The book is seven chapters and nearly 100 pages in length. We send it as a pdf, so you can read it on your computer, move it to your Kindle or tablet, or even print it out. Additionally, we never spam you or give away our email list. Currently, over 220 people receive our blog posts this way and all have gotten a copy of Blessings from Revelation. To sign up and get your eBook for free, go here.

2. Understanding the Love Chapter eBook. Yes, we give away another book! This 6-chapter eBook is free to everyone who signs up for our free monthly email newsletter, so you get TWO free things for the price of…none. The newsletter comes out on the fourth Thursday of each month and takes about 10 minutes to read. Over 250 people receive this resource each month, and every one of them has been sent a pdf copy of our book on 1 Corinthians 13. To sign up for the newsletter and get your copy of Understanding the Love Chapter, go here.

3. The Faughn Family Podcast. Our latest addition to the “freebie” list is our podcast, which is seeing tremendous success. Just yesterday, we stopped being eligible for the New and Noteworthy section of iTunes. However, for the previous 8 weeks, our podcast was on that list for both Kids & Family and Religion & Spirituality. Due to your downloads (over 325 people have listened to each episode!), comments, and ratings, we never fell out of the top 10 in either list for the entire eight weeks! Thank you so much. Our next episode is scheduled to be released next Thursday, and if you haven’t yet heard the previous programs, go here to learn more and/or to subscribe. It’s free…of course!

So there you have it. Besides a free blog, there are some other things, including full eBooks, that we give away. We love doing so, and we hope each of these resources encourages you.

And, in case we haven’t said it lately, thank you for reading and interacting with us through the site. Our readers are special to us, and we love doing this for you. Thank you.


Photo credit: Joe King on Creative Commons


A Legacy of Faith exists to help families survive the day, plan for tomorrow, and always keep an eye on eternity. If you choose to print one of our articles in another publication (e.g., church bulletin), please give credit to the author and provide a link to the article's url. Thank you.