
Friday Links Roundup: Back to Haleyville Edition

We are leaving this afternoon to go back to Alabama. Tonight, we are visiting with Leah’s parents, and then we are going tomorrow to Haleyville. I’ll be preaching in a series of Gospel Meetings beginning Sunday morning and continuing through Thursday night.

For nearly 7 years, I worked with the 9th Avenue church of Christ in Haleyville as the youth minister. It is exciting to be going back to that good congregation for this meeting. We look forward to seeing so many familiar faces and renewing many friendships. Please pray that this meeting is an encouragement to that church.

They have asked me to speak on the Christian home, and I’m thrilled to do that. Here are the lessons, in case you can come:

Sunday 9:30AM: “The Home is God-Ordained”

Sunday 10:30AM: “What Does a Christian Husband Look Like?”

Sunday 7:30PM: “The Beauty of a Christian Wife”

Monday 7PM: “When Children Enter the Family Portrait”

Tuesday 7PM: “But I Don’t Wanna Listen to My Parents!”

Wednesday 7PM: “Now My Kids Have Kids!”

Thursday 7PM: “Forward as a Faith-Filled Family”

If you are in that area, we hope you’ll stop by for at least one of these services.

On to the links for this week:

1. With Father’s Day coming up this Sunday, I loved this post from Jeff Foster. He asks who is the “icon” dad of our time. The answer might scare you. Enjoy “Cliff or Homer?”

2. Steve Higginbotham tackles the sometimes sensitive topic of rebaptism in his post “Right Desire, Wrong Motive.” This one is worth your reflection, for sure.

3. Ever have trouble with seeing more than just the outer person? Cindy Colley, in a beautiful post (and one that gives you a good laugh at her expense) admits that she does too, at times. Please read and take to heart “It’s About What’s Under the Hood.”

4. Preachers get frustrated. I know, that’s news to you. John Gaines, though, says that we should take a look at ourself before we let the mistakes of others “set us off.” Enjoy “Lowering My MFI Level.” (Yes, you’ll have to read the post to learn what “MFI” stands for.)

5. We know that pornography is a problem, and that it lowers our inhibitions over time. As I read this post, though, I couldn’t help but think that the same is true of all sins. While a bit graphic, “Watching Porn at Church” will cause you to think about how sin continues to eat away at us. While I don’t agree with the article’s use of the word “sanctuary,” the point of the post is still well-taken.


We hope you have a great weekend, and we hope you dads have a wonderful Father’s Day! Dads who lead their homes in godly ways are deserving of a day like this, and we hope you are rewarded for your effort.

No matter where you are, though, make sure you praise God with His people on His Day.


A Legacy of Faith exists to help families survive the day, plan for tomorrow, and always keep an eye on eternity. If you choose to print one of our articles in another publication (e.g., church bulletin), please give credit to the author and provide a link to the article's url. Thank you.