Friday Links Roundup: Equip Network Week Edition
Next week on our blog, we are going to take a little “detour” from our usual publishing schedule. Instead, we are going to write REviews and PREviews of the amazing network of podcasts now available (and soon to be available) on the newly formed Equip Network.
What is The Equip Network? Well, you’ll have to wait until next week to find out, but, if you read this blog, or if you enjoy listening to good and helpful Christian programming, you will want to read every post next Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday. Be looking for it, and get ready to be see what can be done with one simple idea used to God’s glory!
On to the links for this week:
1. John Brown writes a very good post summarizing the Bible’s teaching on the subject of mercy. Enjoy “Thinking about Mercy.”
2. Are you one who needs help in making sure you as encouraging as you can possibly be? Neal Pollard gives us a great list called “Twenty Tips on Encouragement.”
3. A new blog for youth ministers started recently. Youth Ministry 101 gives some great tips that can be used by youth ministers, or by anyone who works with young people. So far, my favorite tip was this one, a devo idea.
4. Finally, the blog A Conquering Faith recently posted a very helpful article that will give you great and simple encouragement. It is called “In Trials, We are Tempted to Disobey God.”
We hope you have a great weekend. Don’t just look forward to time for “self.” Look forward to time with God! Be especially sure that you spend time with Him on His day!

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