
Friday Links Roundup: More from Vance Perry Edition

Yesterday, we posted our Thursday Hymn Reflection on “And Can It Be?” and I included a video that was by Vance Perry. Neal Pollard left a comment that “we” watched that video, making me think Bear Valley may have shut down for about 3 minutes!

This is not the only song Vance has done in this manner. He records all sorts of songs, from hymns to pop songs, and uploads them to YouTube. So, for an “encore,” thought I’d post one of his pop songs that is truly remarkable. Enjoy!

Now, with that stuck in your head, enjoy this week’s links:

1. On the Riverchase Teen Ministry blog, Brandon Edwards writes a simple post about how he looks at the world, in light of his past. Enjoy his simple post: “Perspective.”

2. I’ve always been intrigued by the Parable of the Sower. Matthew Morine takes a look at one very important aspect of that parable and asks the question, “What Was the Sower Doing?”

3. It’s interesting to look at relationships that have lasted decades. Jeff Jenkins shares one story and some thoughts on a couple married for over 60 years in his post “Bill & Dorothy: A Model for Marriage.”

4. Forgiveness. If we are honest, we will admit that it is hard to truly forgive. Jeremiah Tatum shares some excellent thoughts to help us in his post “Forgive and Forget.”

5. We don’t usually link to posts that are original to the blog, but this was just too good. Jeff Foster reprints an article by an unknown author that every parent, teacher and elder should read. Enjoy “To the Teachers of My Children.”


We hope you have a wonderful weekend. We have over 30 members of the Lebanon Road family away on a mission trip this weekend, and we ask you to remember them as you pray. They are helping a congregation in Forrest City, North Carolina.

No matter where you are, don’t forget the Lord on His Day!


A Legacy of Faith exists to help families survive the day, plan for tomorrow, and always keep an eye on eternity. If you choose to print one of our articles in another publication (e.g., church bulletin), please give credit to the author and provide a link to the article's url. Thank you.