Friday Links Roundup: Not Exactly “Cruising” Edition
It snowed.
I love snow, so this has been a wonderful winter. It has, though, been amazing, as it has been years since I have seen snow this often. Also, since we have lived in Alabama and Tennessee, we have gotten used to even “light” snows slowing things down and shutting down businesses and schools.
And, boy, did I get a taste of that yesterday. I went to Vanderbilt Children’s Hospital to visit a family friend. While there, the snow started to fall, but it was not sticking to the roads, as crews had nearly all the major roads ready for snow. I left the hospital at about 3:10. According to Google Maps, the drive to my house from the hospital is 16.9 miles.
I sent a text to Leah while still near the hospital at 3:20 telling her that traffic was barely moving. At 4:02, I sent another text (is it wrong to text while driving if you aren’t actually moving???), and wasn’t half-way home!
Overall, with no accidents, the 17 mile trip took 1 hour and 45 minutes, as I arrived home at 4:55. So, for those of you who are worried about the “fast-moving rush hour traffic” of cities like Nashville, trust me…sometimes, it might be faster to take a pair of roller skates!
On to the links for this week:
1. We’ve all heard the story about some person just “walking in off the street” and being baptized for the remission of sins. Few, if any, of us, though, have ever seen it. Matthew Morine shares with us just such a case, and reminds us “Yes, The Gospel Works.”
2. I’ve enjoyed reading the blog Come Fill Your Cup lately (even though it’s intended for ladies. Take my man card, and I’ll keep reading and enjoying!). One of the better posts I’ve seen is from 16-year-old Melissa Hite and deals with a key word from the Gospel according to Mark. Enjoy her article “Immediately.”
3. While many things are lacking in our society, maybe nothing is lacking more than respect for authority. Jonathan Jones uses a recent video game commercial to illustrate this point very well in his post “Respecting Authority.”
4. For many, it is tempting to separate their “real” life from their “online” life. We must remember, though, that we are to live every moment to God’s glory. Wesley Walker, on Study Your Bible Online, reminds us of this fact in his post, “Is There No Shame?”
5. Robbie Mackenzie admits to some conjecture, but makes a fabulously thought-provoking point in his post “Looking into Cisterns.”
Just a note: Tomorrow marks another anniversary of Roe v. Wade, so please take a few moments and reflect on the huge task we have before us of ending legalized abortions in our nation. On Sunday morning, my plan is to preach a sermon to that effect at Lebanon Road. It has been gut-wrenching to put this sermon together. (When you have an adopted child, studying and reflecting on abortion is even more meaningful and difficult.) If you can be with us at 9AM, we certainly hope you will be!
No matter where you are on the Lord’s Day, make sure you put Him first.