
Friday Links Roundup: One Week In…3 Weeks Away Edition

I’m so glad that college football has done such a good job this year. The games have been interesting, and there is intrigue because the bogus BCS system continues to shun teams like Boise State and TCU.

But, as I said, the sport has done its job…

…it has kept us interested until now, when college basketball starts! Midnight Madness was last Friday night, meaning we are one week into practice, and games start in about 3 weeks (November 10, to be specific). College basketball is the greatest sport for a lot of reasons, not the least of which is that they actually decide who wins on the court (what a concept, eh, NCAA football?).

Also, the fans make the sport. As a Duke fan, the Cameron Crazies are the greatest, but they are rivaled around the nation. Don’t believe me? Watch how coordinated the Utah State Aggies fans are in this video. (Yes, the chant reflects the current score!)

Anybody else ready for games to start now?


On to the links for this week:

1. My dad started a new blog recently. He had one before, but is committed to updating this one more. I hope you’ll add it to your rss feed. This is an example of the outstanding content you’ll find there, as dad writes about Harvard University and the Christian roots of that now secular school. Enjoy “Veritas Christo Et Ecclesiae.”

2. “I just can’t talk to people.” We hear that all the time, but Christ, the One we are to emulate was approachable by others, so we should be, as well. Chris Gallagher gives us some practical ways to “Become an Approachable Christian.”

3. Robbie MacKenzie has been posting a series of articles on the Christian and Facebook. All have been helpful, but the 6th in the series was the most intriguing to me. Read his article on Facebook addiction here.


We hope you  have a wonderful weekend. No matter what you have planned for the weekend, we hope those plans include time with the Lord on His Day.


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