
Friday Links Roundup: Podcast about a Podcast Edition

This morning, as usual, Dale Jenkins and I will record iPreach, which is now in its 3rd year, and which has over 125 episodes in its history. This podcast is now heard by around 300-400 people with each episode, and we are humbled by the response in such a short time.

On today’s podcast, we are going to be “unveiling” a new podcast! Dale and I have been working behind the scenes on a new podcast that is not a “spin off.” iPreach, obviously, is mainly intended for preachers and other workers in ministry. Our new podcast is going to be designed for all Christians, and it is very exciting!

….But, I can’t tell you about it until we unveil it!

Here is what I can tell you at this point:

1. It will record once each month, and our plan is to record in the evening, so nearly anyone can be part of the online chat.

2. It will be geared to all Christians of all ages.

3. The new podcast will start (hopefully) in February. March is our “at the latest” launch date.

4. When we do start giving details, there will be a place to let us know if you want to be part of it, because we need several folks to join in on it.

Intrigued? I hope so! You can listen to iPreach on Talkshoe.com or on iTunes once it has been uploaded. Or, you can wait until next week, when I’ll give details on this blog about this new podcast!


On to the links for this week:

1. Drew Kizer reminds us that baptism obviously is important for the one obeying the will of God, but that there is also a message being taught to those who are seeing that act unfold. Enjoy “Baptism’s Message to Others.”

2. We have all been moved by the recent developments in Tuscon, Arizona. The Christian Chronicle has been giving regular updates, since one of the victims, Dorwan Stoddard, was a minister at the Mountain Avenue church of Christ. President Barak Obama even mentioned the congregation and Dorwan in his address earlier this week. Read more about the President’s remarks here. (Please notice that the end of this article contains a link to more coverage from The Christian Chronicle.)

3. We repeatedly try to preach and teach that Christians must be extremely careful with what they entertain themselves. Daniel Howell uses a recent Relevant magazine article as the basis for a great reminder. The link to the magazine article is in his post, and it is worth a read, too. Here is Daniel’s article, “Emotional Pornography.”

4. Dave Ramsey calls it “the dreaded ‘b’ word.” It’s the budget, and many do not have one for their household. We see it as an enemy, almost. Christian Personal Finance gives us one of the best posts on budgeting that I have read in some time. Enjoy, and learn from, “Is Your Budget a Straitjacket or Your Best Friend?”

5. Finally, a video that you need to see. Gambling is a major problem, but is it possible that certain forms of gambling are actually becoming more addictive? 60 Minutes Overtime did a short story on how slot machines may be even more addictive than they used to be. This is good material for those who struggle with gambling, or for those of us who need to teach on its evils and addictive nature. Here is the link.


We hope you have a great weekend. Many of you are probably headed to Evangelism University in Savannah, Tennessee. I know quite of few of our young people from Lebanon Road are headed that way this weekend. We hope they are all safe and that this program is as effective as ever in training our young people to be soul winners!

No matter what your weekend plans are, make sure you don’t forget the Lord on His Day!


A Legacy of Faith exists to help families survive the day, plan for tomorrow, and always keep an eye on eternity. If you choose to print one of our articles in another publication (e.g., church bulletin), please give credit to the author and provide a link to the article's url. Thank you.