Friday Links Roundup: Time with Daddy Edition

Our ladies are having their annual retreat this weekend. That means I get the kids all to myself for the weekend, from this afternoon through Sunday afternoon. (Yes, I will need your prayers!)
I am looking forward to the time with the kids, and I hope we grow closer together by our time. I love my kids, and time with them is very precious. While being with them alone is hard work (just ask Leah, since she does it all the time), it is worth the effort and time. We’re going out tonight, and will hopefully have a little time at home tomorrow to play and laugh.
……oh, and to pray that Leah comes home on time Sunday, because we will ALL want her back with us!!!!!!!!
On to the links for this week:
1. Balancing worship and entertainment is difficult. While entertainment is most surely not our focus, many of us do find some entertainment in worship! So, how do we explain that? A Conquering Faith shares a brief article and a simple chart that helps us in their article, “You Can Call It Entertainment, but If It’s Worship, It Must be Pleasing to God.”
2. It is amazing how many “artists” (define however you’d like!) claim to be Christian, but their “acts” defy that description. A rap group, The Insane Clown Posse, took that a step further recently. Study Your Bible Online shares some interesting thoughts on their site in “Insane Clown Posse and Christianity.”
3. What should we wear to worship? That is a common question, and is often answered with a simple, “Your best.” There is more to that question, though. Read prayerfully from Cindy Colley’s post, “What about Attire for Worship?” Ladies, please take some time to focus on the section dealing with young ladies wearing suggestive clothing to worship. It is a problem in many locations.
4. Many of you have heard of the Last Will and Testament of the Springfield Presbytery, a document that played a major role in the American Restoration movement. Thanks to my friend, Mark Adams, you can read this short document in pamphlet form. If you like Church history, take a few minutes and read this important document by clicking here.
5. One news item that is creating a buzz this week is the recent shut down of several pornographic studios on the West Coast, due to an unnamed “actor/actress” (not even the gender has been disclosed) testing positive for HIV. This happened several years ago and shut down the industry for some time while workers were tested, but the industry came back and now, according to some sources, is the 7th-largest industry in America. This news item should be enough to remind us of how trashy (not to mention, immoral) this industry is, when one positive test shuts down multiple studios. Just think about what that implies! Here is the Fox News article from Wednesday on the story.
We hope you have a wonderful weekend. I know that our ladies’ retreat will go well, as so much work has been put into the weekend. They will hear several good lessons (including a great lesson from Leah, who is speaking Saturday afternoon!) and will enjoy wonderful periods of fellowship.
Make sure you give this weekend to the Lord, too, and make sure you are with His people on His Day!

Thanks for the link to the LW&T! I’m glad people have been taking advantage of it.
I saw an article the other day about the Insane Clown Posse where they were interviewed by a guy from Rolling Stone. If there weren’t souls at stake, this whole situation would be LOL hilarious. It bothers me that people are calling them “Christians.” Your faith is not a set of held beliefs, but an entire way of life. Their music, their lifestyles, and everything about them in no way mirrors the teachings of Christ, and regardless of what they say they believe, I can’t call them Christians, in good conscience.