“Greater Things” Thursday #15 : New Street Sign
The 2011 theme for Lebanon Road is “Greater Things.” For an introduction, including a video, to this theme, click here. Each Thursday we are showing an area in which we are placing an emphasis for greater things.
This week’s “greater things” may seem simple, but it is the accomplishment of a goal for 2011, and the finishing of a goal for 2010, due to a myriad of red tape.
For almost 10 months, we have been striving to get a new street sign for our congregation. The old one was nice, but was showing its age, and the type of letters used on it are not made anymore. So, we were beginning to run low on letters in good condition. Also, signs need to be enclosed, so letters cannot be stolen or rearranged, and our old one was not enclosed.
Thankfully, due to hard work and multiple meetings of some of our men, our new sign went up earlier this week. While we have not put letters on it yet, we are excited to have this process done!
The sign looks nice during the day, and it truly shines at night.
For “greater things” to occur, I hope those who put messages on our sign will continue to do a great job. Currently, three of our young people do that, and do a great job keeping the messages current, uplifting, and informative. We pray they will continue with this new sign.

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