“Greater Things” Thursday #16 – More Mystery!
Lebanon Road’s 2011 theme is “Greater Things.” For an introduction to that theme, click here. Each Thursday, we are highlighting a different area in which we are seeking to do greater things.
Well, it happened again. A few weeks ago, we were welcomed by what I called “mystery cards” in this post. We had another anonymous (mysterious!) surprise waiting on us this past Sunday, too!
I will admit that I know who did this one. No, it was not me or my family. The only reason is that the givers gave the extra supply to me for folks to have if they wanted more.
What did they give this time? First, there were more cards. These cards had a list of ideas for folks to do as they seek to do greater things. It was a great little reminder that “random acts of kindness” can go a long way toward helping us achieve our goal.
But, further, this time there were also pens! The givers had taken the time to have “Greater Things” pens made! They ordered 500, and gave every one of them to the congregation to use and distribute. What a generous and thoughtful gift!
I am so proud of those who do things like this. They don’t want their name “in lights,” but they are encouraging us and providing great motivation as we seek to keep the momentum going this year.
Here are a couple of pictures of the pens. (Sorry for the quality of the pictures, but it is hard to focus on the lettering since it is so small on pens.)
What could lead to greater things in this area? More “behind-the-scenes,” anonymous gifts like this! It shows a heart that is motivated and that desires to serve however it can serve. Let’s all seek ways we can do the same!

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