“Greater Things” Thursday #21 : The VBS Apple Tree
Lebanon Road’s 2011 theme is “Greater Things.” For an introduction and video to the theme, click here. Each Thursday we are showing ways in which we are striving for greater things.
Beginning today, our next three “Greater Things” posts will deal with one of the largest events we have each year: Vacation Bible School. We plan for months for our VBS, and it is always a joy to see that work pay off with good attendance and great lessons. Those who attend, from babies through the elderly, are taught the Bible and enjoy great fellowship together.
One of the things we wanted to do this year was to include more people in the “background” work of VBS. We realize that not everyone can teach a class, but there is far more work at VBS than this one role. Many people can be involved in helping gather supplies and even with some of the financial work of Vacation Bible School.
Thus, the “apple tree.” The tree contains apples that can be removed. Each one has either (1) a small item that our teachers need for a class or activity, or (2) a small amount of money to help purchase some of these smaller items in the last few days leading up to VBS. Often, it’s those “small” things that get overlooked, and then the teachers are scrambling to get them. Instead, we are asking folks to lend or purchase them for our VBS, so the teachers can spend their time preparing lessons.
The tree is simple, but it has proven to be effective. Many things have already been given, and it is a great help to our teachers. Here is the tree, and the slogan that is over it in our foyer.
For “greater things” to occur, we simply need this tree to continue to be used. It is much like Pandora’s Box, in that apples “magically” keep appearing, but they are things that are needed. Lebanon Road folks, pick an apple and help us out with our VBS (June 12-15)!

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