
Guest Post from Brad Harrub

Earlier today, I saw a post on Facebook from Brad Harrub. Brad works at Focus Press and is a great worker in the Kingdom. His post truly caught my eye, and I asked him if I could reproduce it here. He graciously gave me permission, and I am doing so in full.

He called his post “It’s Not All about the Election.” Everything from here on are the words of brother Harrub.


Sorry, but I’ve gotta preach a little this morning. Many Christians are looking toward the November 2012 elections in hopes that a conservative president is put in office who can “fix” things. Is that what the first century Christians did with the Roman government? “Oh I sure hope we get a conservative Caesar so life will be good again.” No, they were a light to a very dark world. The same Christians who are waiting on the election do not realize they are wasting 11 precious months when they could be “fixing” the problem themselves. How’s that you ask?

1. We can take back our children and their minds. Want to affect this nation for good? Start at home and instill godly principles in your children. Having just reviewed some of the latest public school curriculum I assure you parents need to wake up and look at what is contained in their children’s textbooks. Teach them what is really an abomination to God. You might be surprised at just how brainwashed your child is with concepts like tolerance and diversity. Also, teach them the godly principle of work! We need to be reminded in this country that God expects men to work–not stand around waiting on handouts.

2. We can tell Hollywood enough is enough. By turning off the television and boycotting immoral movies Christians can, in essence, speak Hollywood’s language. A language they might not like, but one they fully understand. And that is the language of money. Don’t go complaining about how bad things are while you or your children are plugged into Glee or the Kardashians.

3. We can take our schools back. We can stop signing permission slips allowing ungodly homosexual speakers to come in and influence our kids. We can refuse to allow our elementary students to be taught sex ed, and instead preserve their innocence. We can get run for the school board. We can get on the textbook committee. We can offer to help in the classroom.

4. We can set a real Christian example in the office/school. When bad language or unethical behavior is practiced, we can let people know that it is wrong and we won’t just turn a blind eye (or ear). Our society has forgotten that there really is an absolute standard for right and wrong.

5. We can spread the truth in love regarding sin. Pulpits have grown cold over the reality of sin, and many of our neighbors are “comfortable” in their sinful lifestyle. We can make them uncomfortable in an effort to save their souls.

6. We can teach our friends and our neighbors the truth about when life begins. We can mail our articles to our community to try to curb abortion in our nation. Obviously, this one starts at home as well, but we can take out ads, write editorials, and remind the country that murder is wrong.

7. We can teach Bible classes on homosexuality so that church members know that it is still an abomination to God. We can hold weekend seminars free to the community that teaches the truth in a kind but yet truthful way.

8. We can join hands with other faithful congregations to try and get the truth about about mankind’s origins in our community.

9. We can tell our friends about the beautiful gift of Jesus Christ on calvary.

10. We can use our local congregations for much than just internal edification–we can actually use it as a foundation for community outreach.In other words, we can do what we should be doing in the first place–be a light on a hill. If we really are the salt, then lets show the world.

During football games the team comes together and huddles up to call the play. How would it feel if the team called the play and then went and sat on the bench. Well, every Sunday we come together and call the play…and then we go back and sit on the bench. It’s time to execute the play and score. Christians, stop waiting on 2012 election to fix the problem. God never said let the government fix everything. He expects Christians to influence the world whether it is an election year or not. Please get busy.


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