Have You Planted Any Seeds Lately?

I love Spring! It is full of new life that begins to pop out everywhere. If you’re a gardener, you love Springtime because it’s time to till up that ground and plan where you will plant those seeds you bought so they can grow and produce a crop.
But wait — it’s not Spring. It’s almost Autumn. So why would I be asking you if you’ve planted any seeds lately?
Because the kind of seeds I’m talking about are not the kind you plant in the ground. They are the kind you plant in hearts. It takes the same kind of conscious effort to plant seeds in a heart that it does to plant seeds in the ground.
Let me give you an example. Several years ago, I began going to her shop every other week to have my nails done. I had never met her before, but a friendship formed because it was just the two of us for an hour every other week.
We talked about lots of things and as you might expect, the topic of church came up. She was faithfully attending a denominational church, and I told her about the Lord’s church where I attended.
That’s when the seed planting began. When she would mention something that was going on at her church, or how someone was serving there, I would ask questions. She told me about one of their elders (a woman) and described something “she” had done. So, in a quiet voice, I asked, “So you have women who serve as elders?” She answered, “Yes, why?” The seed was ready to be planted, because the Bible says that an elder must be the husband of one wife (Titus 1:6; 1 Timothy 3:2). When I told her that, she wanted to know if the Bible really said that. She got her Bible and we looked at God’s word.
Seed planted!!
Many more seeds were planted over the next several years, but they finally germinated, took root, and produced a new Christian.
Do you know someone in whom you could plant some seeds?
- A hairdresser?
- A clerk at your favorite store?
- A neighbor?
- A co-worker?
- A friend?
- A fellow student?
- Someone in line at Walmart?
- Someone with whom you discuss all kinds of other topics???
The possibilities for planting seeds are endless. Sometimes they are ignored and forgotten. But sometimes they take root and grow.
All God really calls on us to do is plant the seeds. Sometimes they fall on good and honest hearts. He’ll do the rest.
Have you planted any seeds lately?
“…a sower went out to sow” (Matt. 13:3).
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AUTHOR: Donna Faughn