Church Life,  Family

He’s Already There

When we go through times of great struggle, one of the most difficult things to keep in mind can be the presence of God. For many, they wonder where He is when they are going through a valley of grief or pain or heartbreak.

Oh, they know that He’s there. They’ve read the 23rd Psalm. They know the promise that He “will never leave you nor forsake you.” They get all that.

But, in the moment, it can sometimes be difficult to really get it into our mind and truly understand.

Today, can I give you a simple thought that might help you the next time you are in a valley? May I share with you something for when you struggle to grasp the presence of God?

It is this: He’s not just there; He was already there.

When we think of God’s presence, we often think in terms of “He’s everywhere all the time.” In other words, we think of His omnipresence, and that is a remarkable attribute that is well beyond our ability to fully grasp. Even that, though, does not go far enough.

The way I like to present it to people is this: “God is everywhere all the time and He is in all time all the time!” Just try to get your mind around that one! God is omnipresent, but He is also eternal. He is, as some like to put it, “outside” of time. He is not constrained by time like we are. He sees the end from the beginning.

How can that help the next time you are in a season of pain, loss, grief, or heartache? It is because He did not have to meet you there; He was already there! In times both great and awful, God is already present and we are meeting Him in those moments if we will just realize it.

As the hymn so beautifully puts it: “There’s not a place where I’ll go / You’ve not already stood.”

Maybe, just maybe, that can help you during your next difficult season of life. No matter when that might come…He’s already there.

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AUTHOR: Adam Faughn


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