How about a New Holiday?
I like holidays, but there sure are a lot of them. It also seems like they are bunched up in certain times of the year (Halloween, Thanksgiving, Christmas, New Year’s…), or maybe it’s just the advertising and marketing that make it seem that way. I mean, before Halloween even occurs, some stores are already clearing out the pumpkins and costumes to put up Christmas trees and ornaments. It’s insane.
But even with so many holidays, I’m suggesting one more.
It’s No-Excuses Day
This holiday is for anyone, and can be celebrated wherever you are. In fact, I would propose that we celebrate “No-Excuses Day” today.
How do you celebrate this day? It’s actually quite simple: whatever it is that you have been wanting to do for the Lord, for your family, or for your self-improvement, you declare that no excuse is going to keep you from doing it today.

- That book or article you’ve been meaning to start, today is the day you start it.
- That date with your wife that you’ve been putting off, today is the day you call her, ask her out, and go.
- That book of the Bible you’ve wanted to study, but have been intimidated by, today is the day you open up your Bible and start reading it.
- That thing you’ve thought about selling, but just couldn’t bring yourself to list it in the paper or on Ebay, today is the day you list it.
- The new recipe you have thought about trying, today is the day you cook it.
- That neighbor you have put off telling about Christ, today is the day you talk of Him.
Who will join me in celebrating? Who is willing to put in the comments how you are going to celebrate?
For me…today is the day I finish editing a mini-book I’ve been putting off the last steps of editing for weeks.

I will pick that book up again that keeps making me cry and convicted every time I read it.
Kevin L Moore
Great time to celebrate this holiday, since every day is “today”!
Very true, and that was part of the idea. Spread the word about this holiday to those wonderful students at FHU!
Sounds like a specific, but needed, plan for the day. Go for it!!!