Church Life,  Trust God

I Admit My Privilege

No, I’m not talking about that other kind of privilege that people seem to be so concerned with in recent years. Since the Bible has nothing to say about skin color, I think it is absolutely crazy for our culture to be so obsessed with it.

Instead, I’m talking about a privilege that is available to everyone and that is far, far greater. It is one that I used to hear described as a “privilege” more often than I do these days, but maybe we need to get back to using that description.

In fact, this privilege provides doors of opportunity and communication that nothing else can.

Do you want it? Then all you have to do is speak.

Because it’s the privilege of prayer.

To come before the very throne of God is nothing short of a privilege to which nothing else can be compared. Think about it: you have access to the Creator of the universe! You have a personal hearing with the Almighty. He cares for every request you bring to Him and gives each one due consideration.

If that’s not a privilege, I don’t know what is.

So, yes, I admit my privilege. Am I’m eternally grateful for it.

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AUTHOR: Adam Faughn


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