
I Know…It Sells Magazines…But, Still

TIME Magazine’s 100 Most Influential People in the world has been released online. While these lists are basically made for starting arguments, TIME has taken it to a new level.

Included in the list are Rosie, Leonardo and even Borat. Political leaders include Barak Obama and even Osama bin Laden. It should come as no surprise that several Democratic presidential hopefuls are on the list, but there are zero Republican hopefuls on the list.

And, more than that, President George W. Bush isn’t on the list.

Let that sink in for a minute. I didn’t say that we should agree with everything the President does, but isn’t he influential? TIME spends about half of every issue talking about the President or the people nearest to him. Thousands of articles are put on the internet every day going back and forth about the economy, Iraq and other topics–and all of them come back to Bush.

This article may not be “religious,” but it should help us continue to keep our eyes open whenever we see something in the media. They tell the story they want to tell. If they want you to think that Tina Fey is more influential than the President of the United States, that’s the story they’ll tell.

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