Church Life,  Family

If a Picture is Worth a Thousand Words… (A Short Post on Modesty)

It has probably been over a quarter of a century since I first saw the cartoon reproduced below. I have tried at various times over the years to find it. I was unsuccessful until somebody posted it not long ago on Facebook.

I will let the picture speak for itself with only a few statements from me. 

First, in the past twenty-five years or so, even the outfit on the right would cover more than what some wear today.

Second, a similar picture could be produced showing the inconsistency in the wardrobe choices of some men and boys. What if a t-shirt and boxer shorts were on the left and what passes for swimwear for guys was on the right?

Third (and sadly), I know some who wear the name of Christ who need to consider this. I pray that all of us will.


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