If You Like Books……..
It is no secret that I love reading. But I know that many of you do, as well.
An older “tradition” that isn’t done as much anymore is the book club. However, I am thrilled today to let you know about a 21st Century version that you can be part of!
Dale Jenkins and I are beginning “The Pages Podcast.” It is a modern-day book club. Each month, we will announce a book geared toward Christian living. Then, on an assigned night, we will discuss the book in podcast form. You can listen live to our discussion, make comments in the chat room and even, if time allows, call in to make comments. Our goal is to get guests, including some of the authors, to come on with us as we discuss the book.
Now, here’s the best part: we are working on plans to get the books for less money than you would pay for them in book stores! Once the title is announced, we will let you know how to get that month’s book.
Please know that this is not just for preachers. We plan to talk about biographies, finance books, leadership books, books on parenting and family, and general Christian living books. Also, we have a goal of discussing books that are both new and old, so there will be much variety.
Now, what can you do?
1. If you would like to be involved, you can “like” the page on Facebook. If you are not on Facebook, or prefer email, email your interest to thepagespodcast@edge.net. By letting us know, you will be added to our email list and will be notified of the first title (to be named in early February) and the date of the first podcast (early March).
2. Spread the word. The more people we have involved, the more fun this will be. A larger number will also help us “leverage” with authors and book stores as we seek to get you the best price possible on the book each month. It would be great to start out with 100 folks!
We hope you will enjoy this new venture, and that you will learn from the reading and the discussion of these books over the coming months. Our goal is to record the podcasts in the evenings so as many folks as possible can join in live.
Dale recently posted a “press release” about the launch. Here is that post.

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