Church Life,  Family,  Tech

I’m Not Really Sure What is “Social” About It

What do all of the following have in common?

  • All of (or at least some of) the members of a family sitting in one room, but not paying any attention to each other
  • Having an opportunity to talk, laugh, etc. with others, but not taking advantage of that
  • Attending a sporting event, movie, concert, or other type of event, with others, but not really paying attention to the event or the people in close proximity
  • Referring to people as “friends” whom you’ve never met and do not even know
  • Finding a way to become famous primarily for being famous
  • People known as “influencers” (and I guess people being influenced)
  • “Following” without moving
  • “Posts” that are not made of wood, metal, or any other material, but which do “support” opinions, political candidates, religious beliefs, etc. all too often in very divisive ways
  • People more concerned with their “brand” than with relationships

By now, you have probably figured out that the common thread that runs through all of those things involves a phone, tablet, computer, or some other device. Instead of being aware of the people and environment in which people find themselves, they (we) choose to stare at screens. Instead of taking a trip with family and/or friends, the choice is often to sit alone in a comfortable chair. Instead of getting some exercise by taking a walk – if not with other people at least possibly with a dog – the fingers are the only things exercised. 

Along with the electronic devices already alluded to, the other common thread that runs through all of this has come to be known as “social media.” I don’t know about you, but I‘m not really sure what is social about all of that.  

It’s been over half of a century since I looked into the eyes of Donna and said, “I do.” Even if I would have had the ability back then, I’m confident that I would not have texted that to her.  I am confident that the most expensive and advanced electronic device that has ever been produced could come close to the experience of actually holding our children and grandchildren in my arms for the first time — or for any time after that for that matter.

Is it not true that our best and most cherished memories of family members, classmates, teammates, colleagues at work, etc. involve those times when we were just enjoying actually being together and sharing our lives with each other? We didn’t (and we don’t) need any form of mass media for that. We just needed (and need) each other.

According to, one of the definitions of social is “seeking or enjoying the companionship of others.” A screen is a poor (and often very dangerous) substitute for that.

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AUTHOR: Jim Faughn

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