Church Life

It Can be Done!

I’ve never counted, nor do I plan to.

You see, each time I drive from my house to the church building, it is 7 1/2 miles. Depending on traffic and red lights, it takes anywhere from about 10-20 minutes, and at times can take a bit longer (if there’s been a wreck, for example).

It is a simple drive and I rather in enjoy the time in my car, listening to podcasts or making a phone call or two. It is a time to think, pray, and reflect on things.

But every so often, I am reminded of what we as Christians are up against. I pass several liquor stores, an “adult book store” (how politically correct is that?), and several other establishments that I pray no Christian would ever consider patronizing. I’ve never counted how many I actually drive by in those 7 1/2 miles, nor have I ever even tried to guess how many there are in the greater Nashville area. Suffice it to say, the count would be huge.

At times, this brings me down. In addition to these out-in-the-open institutions, I know I pass by dozens of houses and apartments where people are living in sin and just do not care. That’s what we are up against, and at times I wonder if it’s even worth the fight.

But I believe it can be done! God may have huge plans, but they are not impossible plans. It should humble us that He uses us as His ambassadors!

How can it be done? One soul at a time. Today, you will be around someone, or you can send a message to someone, who needs to know about Christ. You can encourage, teach, invite, or help one person today, can’t you? And can’t you do that each day?

Don’t give up on the job just because it seems difficult. It can be done, and it starts with each of us helping one person today. I’ve added a name to my list for today. Will you do the same?






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