Church Life,  Family,  Marriage

It’s Almost As If…

When so-called “same sex marriage” was allowed in the United States, those who stood against it on moral grounds were made fun of for many reasons. One of those was that we said clearly that this would not be the only thing that we had to deal with. It was defamed as the “slippery slope” argument…as if that’s a total fallacy.

On one hand, we said that the same (or similar) “logic” could be used for polygamy or other forms of “marriage.” That was blasted and we were told that the only thing that was desired was to change marriage in this one way. We knew that was not true because our culture had already changed it in other ways. If you can change the duration of marriage (no-fault divorce), and the genders of marriage, why not the “number”? Why not the ages? And…we were right.

But a recent Gallup survey shows another side of this that shows how, when you allow one sin, more will enter in. And while this is not being reported much (wonder why!), it should open our eyes.

The term “open marriage” is really a contradiction in terms, but, sadly, we know what it means. It is the idea that I have a marriage, but I can have sex with someone else. In most “open marriages” the other partner must approve of the relationship, but in some that is not the case.

As you might expect, these are not terribly common.

Except among…same-sex “marriages.”

Fully 75% of those involved in those types of “marriages,” according to the survey, have no problems with an open marriage. In fact, it is now known that right at half of male same-sex “marriages” are not monogamous when they start, and most will become “open” in under 7 years. [Source] Compare that with “straight” (read: normal) marriages, where less than one-fourth–23% to be exact–say they accept open marriages. That’s still far too many, but it is a world apart from 75%.

So, according to data, when two men get “married” (which, Biblically-speaking is impossible), half of them are already having sex with someone else and, on average, they both will be in under 7 years, and the other “spouse” will just accept it.

It is almost as if, when you allow one sin to just be part of life, it’s not enough.

God created marriage to be the union of one man and one woman for life. He did so for countless reasons, and He is infinitely wise.

When we decide to create our own way of doing things, problems pile on top of problems.

Still think the slope isn’t slippery?

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AUTHOR: Adam Faughn


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