Judges and Philippians…Is There a Connection?
On Wednesday nights, I am teaching the book of Philippians. My class moves slowly, but that’s okay, because we truly study. I love the discussions in our classes.
I am working on some materials on the book of Judges for another project (and some sermons, too), and have been immersed in a couple of books helping me with that study.
In the past few days, I have been working through some materials on Deborah and then Gideon, and have caught myself stopping and saying, “I never noticed that before.” Few of the things have been “deep.” I have just missed them.
I wish I could say that they were all small details that don’t really matter, but I can’t say that. Reading and studying Judges in this way has helped me see not just the sin of the people, but the glory and power of God. Some of the ways He “pulls off” victories in the book are nothing short of jaw-dropping. (Lebanon Road folks, on Sunday morning, August 26th, we are going to notice one of those!)
But as I was preparing for my class on Philippians tonight, my mind finally put these two books together, and it is from a verse that every one of you can quote:
“I can do all things through Him who gives me strength” (Philippians 4;13).
What Gideon, Deborah, Samson, or any of the other amazing judges could not do, God could. They won amazing victories only because of Him and their dedication to Him.
But what is more amazing? We can win a victory that is even more jaw-dropping than defeating any earthly army, all because of Christ. Paul did not say, “I can win a military victory.” He said, “I can do ALL THINGS!”
…and that includes overcoming sin.
Now that is jaw-dropping.
Better said, it should make us drop–not our jaw–but to our knees in gratitude.
Our God truly is an awesome God!
Photo credit: Ryk Neethling on creative commons
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