Church Life,  Family

June 24th Was a Victory, But the Battle Has Not Been Won

June 24, 2022 will go down in history as the day that the Supreme Court of the United States overturned the Roe v Wade decision concerning abortion. The rights were turned back over to the individual states to make their own laws concerning this heinous act of abortion. It was a victory for those of us who are pro-life and believe in the sanctity of life which begins at conception.

I was overjoyed with the decision, as were so many other people who live in states that had “trigger” laws already in place. Abortion became illegal in the state of Kentucky, but just 7 miles from our hometown on the other side of the Ohio River, the state of Illinois still has legal abortion. I have already heard about the intentions of a person to open an abortion clinic in a small town just across the river. I guess he realizes there is money to be made in that industry now that it’s illegal in some states around Illinois.

I certainly don’t mean to diminish the joy of seeing a step in the right direction, so please don’t take my words that way. However, as I thought more about the problem we face in this sinful world, I realized that we should think about another problem we face that needs to be changed. If we would change what we teach our children from a very early age, we could see a change in how society views human life.

Let me share just a few of the things we need to instill within our children:

  • Respect for God and His Word

That takes more than just attending church services. While that is very important, it takes teaching them at home that they are to respect their parents and obey them (Eph. 6:1). The father in the home is their first image of respecting God and His word. I know you know this, but Deuteronomy 6 is one of the best parenting manuals found anywhere.

  • Self Control 

Eph. 6:4 says, “Fathers, do not provoke your children to anger, but bring them up in the discipline and instruction of the Lord.” This is the ability to allow God’s word to be present in our lives and control our thoughts and actions. I heard discipline defined one time as “parental control which leads to self control which leads to God control.” I think that’s an accurate explanation of teaching self control.

  • The Sanctity of Life

God is the giver of all life. When a child is born the Psalmist says, ”Behold, children are a heritage from the LORD, the fruit of the womb a reward” (Psalm 127:3). So many people today have not been taught every life is important and a gift of God.

  • The Beauty of Marriage between a man and a woman

The beauty of God’s plan for marriage is set forth at the beginning of the Bible (Genesis 2), and it does not change.  He always intended for it to be a man and woman who become one and live together until death parts them. God set parameters around the sexual relationship that they can enjoy.  Sex within marriage is a beautiful and fulfilling relationship (Hebrews 13:4), but sex outside of marriage destroys. When sex becomes casual (as it is in society today), more and more babies are conceived who are unwanted. There is no respect for God and His Word, no self-control, no sanctity of life, and certainly no respect or understanding of sex within marriage.

Our next great challenge should be to work hard trying to instill these principles found in God’s word to our children, grandchildren and to all those over whom we might have an influence. If these were taught diligently to all, abortion and so many other sins would not exist.

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AUTHOR: Donna Faughn

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