Church Life,  Trust God

Learning from the Master

I recently adopted an Aussie lab puppy named Baxter. At three months old, he is a bundle of energy and has been a great addition to my house as well as an occasional terror. We had a few pets over the course of my childhood, but Baxter is the first dog I have had on my own. As such, while I am training him, he is also training me in some significant ways, many of which have biblical parallels and spiritual implications. To create an exhaustive list would take much longer than one article, but there is one that has stood out among the rest in these first few weeks as a puppy parent: the importance of balance.

Sometimes Baxter teaches this lesson very literally, as he is still figuring out how to use his back legs. More than that, though, he has reminded me of the care with which the aspects of our relationship must be kept in perspective. There are days when it is easy to love such an innocent creature and difficult to imagine disciplining him even when he does something wrong or destructive. There are also days when I would rather push him off of me than let him lay in my lap and act sweet (these days usually follow nights when getting him to stay quiet in his crate proves to be a struggle). In both situations, the balance between positive and negative reinforcement makes a world of difference.

Balance is also important when it comes to how Baxter has affected the other aspects of life. A puppy requires a significant commitment in terms of time, space, money, energy, and comfortability. My daily routine has shifted in many ways to accommodate the needs of another living thing that requires regular feedings, trips outside, playtime, etc. At the same time, it’s not like I can dump my friends or quit my job for Baxter’s sake. I am fortunate enough to have a relatively flexible schedule, but the people in my life and the work that needs to be done must come first. In attempting to respect all of these commitments, balance becomes a necessary consideration.

Unfortunately, I find that this reality is sometimes difficult to remember when it comes to my relationship with Christ, His teachings, and the world around me. The perfect balance that Jesus struck between “speaking the truth in love” (as Paul calls it in Ephesians 4:15) is one that I find difficult to strike myself, as is the balance between the joy of fellowship and the mission of discipleship. Sometimes it is easier for me to defend my belief than it is to remember I am defending my belief before someone that Christ calls me to love just as much as He loves me. Sometimes it is easier for me to show grace to the people in my life than it is to defend biblical truths, especially when people whose friendships I value the most are in violation of such truths. Sometimes it is easier to spend time “at home” within the safety and familiarity of my church family than it is to “go into all the world and proclaim the Gospel” (Mark 16:15). Sometimes it is easier to live in the world and think that I can do it myself than it is to face the self-examination required when returning to a house of worship, or to accept help from God and His people.

What is the solution to any and all of these challenges? It is the same answer to each one: Jesus. Listen to His words: “Come to me, all who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you, and learn from me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light” (Matthew 11:28-30). If there is any place where balance is possible, it is being fastened to the Lord Himself, whose power and presence provide a stability in my life that only He can provide. I will never achieve this balance perfectly, but He always will, and by trusting Him enough to learn from Him, growth and success are possible.

As we seek to glorify God in all things, balance is the best answer. As we seek to balance ourselves as those disciplined and loved by the Father, Jesus is our perfect model, teacher, partner, and friend. It is by His grace that we have hope, and it is in taking guidance and strength from Him that peace is found.

“And whatever you do, in word or deed, do everything in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through Him.” ~ Colossians 3:17

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AUTHOR: Luke Tatum


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