
Lebanon Road Reading for April 29-May 5

Month: April

Theme: 30 Days with the Psalms

NOTE: Psalms is a collection of poems that show various emotions and subjects. We are reading the psalms by type (or theme), instead of in order.

To finish April, read:

Sunday April 29: Wisdom : Psalm 90, Psalm 107, Psalm 111

Monday, April 30: Worship of God : Psalm 33, Psalm 34, Psalm 145

Month: May

Theme: 31 Days, 31 Proverbs

We are reading one chapter in Proverbs each day.

Tuesday, May 1: Proverbs 1

Wednesday, May 2: Proverbs 2

Thursday, May 3: Proverbs 3

Friday, May 4: Proverbs 4

Saturday, May 5: Proverbs 5


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