Family,  Parenting

Lord, Give Us Strength

Let me say, right from the start, that this is not my usual, light-hearted attempt at encouragement. This article is being written while in a place of struggle and, as of the writing, I don’t know the outcome. But I do know this: Satan is at war for souls, including our children’s souls.

He has many tools and resources that he uses to ensnare our thoughts and hearts. As much as he attacks us, sometimes I wonder if he isn’t after our children even more. After all, if he can get them young and then make them feel unworthy enough, they are much easier to keep down. And they haven’t had practice at standing up for what they believe even in the face of ridicule or taking a stand against wrong that so many see as right.

He goes at them through so many avenues that sometimes we may miss them. He disguises them as good things. Things where their talents are used and showcased. And then he begins the conflict. It may be a practice that falls on Wednesday night. Maybe it is a bad word that they “have” to say in a play. Maybe there is no real conflict other than their pride and priorities. 

And we miss that.

We miss it because we want them to use their talents. We trivialize the choice because it may jeopardize their future college hopes or career dreams. We brag on them so that they feel their worth comes in performance. Could it even be that Satan uses us?!?

I pray for wisdom and strength for all of us trying to raise children in today’s world that is so against Christ that even we get sucked into the vortex. Help us keep our eyes open and on the ultimate goal we have for our children and ourselves … heaven. Help us help them take a stand and work with them to see what is truly important. 

Maybe we need to know first.

“Only take care, and keep your soul diligently, lest you forget the things that your eyes have seen, and lest they depart from your heart all the days of your life. Make them known to your children and your children’s children—” (Deuteronomy 4:9)

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AUTHOR: Amber Tatum


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