Family,  Marriage

Mature Marriage Issues: Dealing with the Death of a Spouse

It seems that we often feel uncomfortable talking about the effects of growing older. As a result, we don’t know how to make adequate preparation for that season of our lives. In my opinion, that is true whether we are discussing the effects of aging on ourselves or on our loved ones. 

Donna and/or I can speak from experience about the effects that aging can have on families. For about twenty years, we were trying to see to the needs of our parents as they grew older and as the aging process really took its toll on each of them (and us). For many of those years, we were doing that while we were not close to our parents geographically and while our children were still at home.

Now, as both of us are “creeping up on” seventy, we are beginning to realize some of the effects of aging on the individual who is actually going through that process. We still may not talk about it as often as we should, but we certainly talk about it more than has been the case earlier in our lives. 

A recent experience caused me to do some research that I might not have otherwise have done on this subject. I thought I would, in some way, share that experience with you. 

At this year’s Polishing the Pulpit, I was given an interesting assignment. The specific title/topic I was given was:

MATURE MARRIAGE ISSUES. Some churches may not be addressing two key areas regarding marriage: (1) Caregiving in marriage and (2) Preparing for life without a long-term mate. The best time to discuss these things is before we have to deal with them.

While doing some research for my presentation, I found material from various sources that I considered to be interesting and informative. I submitted material from three of those sources to those who organize Polishing the Pulpit. They were kind enough to make it available electronically. I also took with me some “hard copies” of those materials to distribute to those who attended the session. 

With the help of our son, who is the brains behind A Legacy of Faith, I am including those handouts here. In my opinion, each one is helpful in different – but practical – ways. 

It is my prayer that they are helpful to you.

[To View or Download These Resources as a PDF, click the picture below.]

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AUTHOR: Jim Faughn

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