
Mini-Post: Quote on Marriage

When Hollywood depicts couples who are virtual strangers engaging in humanity’s most intimate physical act, the church needs to counter with a biblical view of marriage.

–Stan Mitchell

Gospel Advocate, November 2011 (page 17)


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One Comment

  • Erin

    I think we can use our marriages as a mirror of the gospel to our families and the world. Jesus died, was buried, and rose again on the 3rd day to remove the sins of the world and to save us from eternal punishment. God’s forgiveness through Jesus’ sacrifice should remind us all of how we can forgive our spouses and give grace to them when they fall short. What if we all viewed our marriages this way instead of holding every grudge to the grave? I’d bet the world would see a completely different view of marriage than the one Hollywood depicts. Just one aspect of many that should be different in Christian marriages.